牛津小学五年级英语下册Unit2 A telephone call 教学设计

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语教案 来源: 网络

课题:Unit2 A telephone call 总课时:5课时 本课时:第1课时

知识:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词a toothache, an earache, a backache,
a headache, a stoach ache
技能:四会掌握句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a/an…并能正确操练
能力:能听懂、会说、会读 I’ sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon
1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词a toothache, an earache, a backache, a headache, a stoach ache
2、四会掌握句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a/an…并能正确操练
(一 )Waring-up
1) Free talk
用What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the orning? What subject do you like ? How are you? What’s the atter with you ? 等日常交际用语进行交谈。
2) Sing a song: Play the tape of the song learnt in Unit1 and ask the students to sing the song together and then do a group work to sing the song and which group does a better job.
1、由 What’s the atter? I’ ill.引出“I’ve got a stoach ache.”。教师边做动作边板书:I’ve got a stoach ache.
T: (询问一位做的好的学生) What’s the atter with you ?
S: I’ve got a stoach ache.
T:(问另一学生)What’s wrong with you ?
S: I’ve got a stoach ache.
T:(板书What’s wrong with you ?)范读,讲解句子的意思,
比较What’s the atter with you?
Drill in pairs: What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a stoach ache.
T :Look, there are soe patients in the hospital. What’s wrong with the?
T:(Point to the stoach)This is a stoach. I’ve got a stoach ache.
T:(Point to the head)What’s this?
S: That’s a head.
T: What’s wrong with hi?
S:(经提示说)A headache.
T: Great!(板书A headache )
(同法学习A toothache, an earache, a backache,)
a. 听口令做动作。b.看动作说句子。
1、教师先和一学生表演D部分的对话。(注:在I’ sorry to hear that.后面添上I hope you get better soon.)
2、 Work in pairs.
1、 workbook C
2、Listen to the tape and repeat.
3、ake a dialogue with friends.

板书: Unit2 A telephone call
ache toothache earache
backache headache
stoach ache

课题:Unit2 A telephone call 总课时:5课时 本课时:第2课时
知识:四会掌握单词a fever, a cough, bad
技能:三会单词短语take soe edicine,have a lot of rest等
1、四会掌握单词a fever, a cough, bad
1) Free talk
Ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well aster.
2) Play the tape of the learnt song in Unit One and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning English.
1) T: Sorry, I’ve got a cough.(咳嗽)
S 模仿动作与读音,拼读单词,
S 学习a bad cough,理解bad,拼读bad。(板书a bad cough)
2) ake the dialogue two by two.
3) T 拿出体温计说:I feel bad, let e see…(看体温计)Oh! I’ve got a fever. (板书a fever.)
odel: A: What’s wrong with you ?
B: I’ve got a …
A: I’ sorry to hear that.
4、 Read and act
T:(手指挂图)He’s a doctor. she’s a patient.(取出小黑板)
Let’s listen to the tape and then tell e what’s wrong with her.(放磁带)
S: Got a fever and a cold.
T: Yes! So the doctor suggested her to take soe edicine and have a lot of rest. (取出小黑板)
Ss learn the phrase.
Ss Read after the tape.
Ss Act the dialogue.
1)Copy the each word four ties.
2)Listen to the tape and repeat.
3)Listen to the tape and preview the dialogue in Part A

板书: Unit2 A telephone call
fever cold cough
What’s wrong with you?
I’ve got a …
I’ sorry to hear that.
Anything else?
open your outh
take soe edicine
have a lot of rest

课题:Unit2 A telephone call 总课时:5课时 本课时:第3课时
知识:掌握四会句型:ay I speak to … This is…speaking
技能:三会单词短语:choose, wrong nuber, absent
能力:能初步掌握Part A的前半部分对话内容
1、掌握四会句型:ay I speak to … This is…speaking
2、能初步掌握Part A的前半部分对话内容
1、Free talk
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning/afternoon? We have …
What subject do you like? Why?
2、Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the things interesting or unforgettable that happened before and try to tell the out in English and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.
3、Ask the students to read and recite the words in Part B by theselves and then do a dictation of the to check if they have been well astered and see who does a better job in learning these knowledge.
4、Ask the students to read the dialogues in Part D together and then ask the to do a pair work to practice the to check if they have well aster the knowledge.
1) 出示课挂图一
T: Today is Wednesday, all the students are at school, but Helen is not at school, she’s absent.
小黑板出示:absent 缺席
2) T: So, Su Yang called Helen. What did they say?(放磁带)
3) 学生听完后说:ay I speak to Helen? This is Helen speaking.
4) Drill
5) Learn “Why are you absent?”
T: Let’s go on .Listen!(继续放磁带)
S(模仿)Why are you absent? I' ill.
6) Consolidation
1、 Read after the tape.
2、 Act the dialogue.
3、 ake a dialogue with friends.
4、 Check it up.
6、 Hoework xk b1
1、Listen and repeat the text.
2、Give a call to your friends in English.
作业:熟读对话,预习Part C

板书: Unit2 A telephone call
A telephone call at school
Call her after lunch stay in bed
Why are you absent today?
What’s wrong with you?
I’ sorry to hear that.
课题:Unit2 A telephone call 总课时:5课时 本课时:第4课时
知识:四会掌握句型How do you feel now? I feel … I can get a /soe …for you
能力:能初步掌握Part A后半部分对话内容
1、四会掌握句型How do you feel now? I feel … I can get a /soe …for you
2、能初步掌握Part A后半部分对话内容
1)Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers:
What day is it today? It’s …
What lessons do you have in the orning / afternoon? We have…
What subject do you like? I like …
2)Ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in English and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.
1)Ask the students to read and spell the words in Part B together and then give the Chinese eanings of the and ask the students to try to speak out the correctly English versions and check to see if they have been well astered.
2)Ask the to do a group work to read the forer part of the dialogue in Part A and try to act it out and copete to see who is the best actor or actress.
1) 出示课挂图一和二
T: Yesterday, we knew that Su Yang called Helen. But after school, Su Yang called again. Let’s listen.
S 先听磁带,大致了解对话内容。
第一步,Su Yang询问Helen的情况:How do you feel now?
第二步,再关心她有没有吃药:Are you taking any edicine?
第三步,表示准备带水果去看她:I can get soe fruit for you.
第四步,表示她们很快能见面:See you soon.
S 在句中学习“feel, still”
2) Listen to the tape and repeat fro how do you feel now to see you soon.
3) Ask the students to do a pair work to read the later part of dialogue in Part A and try to read the words correctly and then ask pairs to coe to the front to try to present their dialogue and see which pair does a better job.
4) Play the tape of the whole dialogue and ask the students to read the whole after the tape sentence by sentence and help the to review the whole dialogue.
4、Ask and answer用练习册F题的画面。
1) Practice in pairs.
2) Check it up .
1)Listen and repeat the text.
2)Review the learnt parts in Unit Two and do workbook exercises.

板书: Unit2 A telephone call
How do you feel now?
I feel …
take soe edicine
get soe fruit for you
课题:Unit2 A telephone call 总课时:5课时 本课时:第5课时
技能:四会掌握Part C的句型并能按要求正确地操练
1、四会掌握Part C的句型并能按要求正确地操练
1) Ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask the to try to give the correct answers and see if they can be well astered.
2) Give the students a topic about the job they will do in the future and ask the to do a group to discuss and try to say soething about it and the ask several students to coe to the front to try to speak out their drea and see who does a better job.
1) Ask the students to read and review the learnt parts in this unit and then do a dictation of the learnt words and sentences and check to see if they have been well astered.
2) Ask the students to read and practice the dialogue in Part A in groups and ask the to try to act out the whole dialogue and then ask groups to coe to the front to try to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.
Su Yang—S Helen—H
S: Hello!
H: Hello, ay I _____ _____ Helen?
S:_____ ______Helen _____.
H: What’s _____ _____ you?
S:____ _____ a headache and a ____ ____.
H:____ _____ to hear that. I _____ you get better ____.
(After school)
S:____ ____ ____ _____ ____?
H:I still ____ ill.
S:____ you ____ ____edicine?
H: Yes, a lot.
S:____ _____ ______.I can ____soe fruit ____ ____.
H: Thank you .
S:_____ ______ soon.
4、Part C
1) Ask the students to do a pair work to practice the dialogues in this part first and then ask pairs to try to act out the dialogues and see if they have done well.
2) Ask the students to try to write down the sentences in this part by theselves and then check the answers to see if they have done a good job.
3) Ask pairs to present their dialogues and give certain correction of the wrong writing and pronunciations.
1) Write down the dialogues in Part C and recite the.
2) Do exercises presented.

板书: Unit2 A telephone call
1)How do you feel now? I feel hot. I can get soe water for you.
2)How do you feel now? I feel tired. I can get a chair for you.
3)How do you feel now? I feel cold. I can get a blanket for you.
4)How do you feel now? I feel ill. I can get soe edicine for you.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/49676.html

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