
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

Unit 5 A卷 How much is it?            
l. colourful( ) 2. expensive( ) 3. cheap( )
4. pretty( ) 5. dress( ) 6. skirt( )
7. shirt( ) 8. T-shirt( )
A.便宜的 B.短裙 C.T恤衫 D.昂贵的
E.连衣裙 F.漂亮的 G.色彩丰富的 H衬衫
1. I, b, g 2. 1,o,g, n
3. o, s, r, h, t 4. m, s, 1, a,l
5. i, n, e, c
1.much, is, how, it,(?)

2. shirt, is, the, yuan, ten,(.)

3. I, help, you, can, (?)

( )1. is it? It’s brown.
A.What time B. What colour C. How much
( )2. It’s warm today. your jacket!
A. Put on B. Wear C. Take off
( )3. Can I wear my new shirt?
A. Yes, I am. B. No, we can’t. C. Yes, you can.
( )4. The shoes are your feet.
A. in B. on C. under
( )5. What’s the like in Shantou? It’s cold.
A. sweater B. weather C. water
( )6.你决定买下某件东西,应对售货员说:
 A. I want it. B. Look at. C. I'll take it.
( )7. that dress.
  A. Look B. look at C. Look on
( )8.你觉得小宝买的十元一个的书包不错,很便宜,应说
 A. Very cheap B. Very pretty C. Very expensive
( )9.假如你是某商场售货员,见到顾客时应说:
 A.Look at my clothes, please B.Can you help me?
 C.Can I help you?
( )10.你问售货员一条裤子多少钱时说:
  A.How much are the pants? B.How many pants are there?
 C.How much is the pants?

