
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

( likes,hobby,like,listening,Yes,watching,No,singing,What,you,your,watering)
Every on has his ________. I ______ drawing pictures. My sister ______ swimming. Dad likes _________ to music. Mom likes ________. Does my grandma like _______ TV? ________, she likes __________ the flowers. _______ about you? What’s ______ hobby?
1. _______________________________________________?
No, he lives in Canada.
2. _______________________________________________?
They like watching TV.
3. _______________________________________________? 数学
Yes, my father is a math teacher.
4. _______________________________________________?
No, his uncle works in a school.
5. _______________________________________________?
My twin sister likes playing the violin.
6. _________________________________________? Yes, my mother teaches math.
7. _________________________________________? No, Amy likes diving.
8. ________________________________________? I like reading books.
9. __________________________________? Yes, my pen pal watches TV at night.
10. ___________________________________? He likes collecting stamps.
11. ___________________________________? Yes, they watch TV everyday.
12. _______________________________? No, my mother goes to work by car.
三、:假如你是Li Lin. Mary是你新认识的pen pal,请给她写一封e-mail,用不少于5句话向你的笔友介绍一下关于你和家人情况,必须用上所给的提示词。
Li Lin: 12岁, 走路上学,集邮 姐姐: 晚上做作业,爱好拉小提琴
爸爸: 坐地铁上班 爱好跳水 妈妈: 教语文 爱好看电视

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/62593.html
