

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 小学学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

Unit 1
  1. mouse 2. large 3. quietly 4. weak 5. sharp 6. net 7. strong 8. then
  9. in the forest 10. bite … with …
  (1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. C)
  二、1. big and strong 2. walked by 3. let the boy go 4. From then on, became friends 5.弄了一个大洞 6.就在那时 7.用……捕捉 8.出去 9.唤醒
  三、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
  1. M: What are you going to do, Tim?
  W: I'm going to read a book in the library.
  Q: Where is Tim going to read a book?
  2. M: Please help me, little mouse?
  W: Don't be sad. I can help you.
  Q: Can the mouse help the lion?‘
  3. M: What will the boy say?
  W: Sorry, I don't know.
  Q: What will the boy say?
  4. M: What books do you like, Linda?
  W: I like Chinese idiom books.
  Q: What books does Linda like?
  5. M: Where can you find many animal stories?
  W: I can find them in Aesop's Fables.
  Q: Where can we find many animal stories?
  (1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C)
  二、1. are you going 2. Who, for 3. What would, like 4. Who woke, up
  5. How did
  三、1. Chinese idiom books are very popular in China. 2. What did the lion and the mouse become? 3. The lion and the mouse became good friends. 4. The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.
  四、1. happy, laughs happily 2. sadly, listened to, sad 3. Chinese idiom
  4. went, lollipops for, cousin
  A: Look! What are Bobby and Sam doing?
  B: They are playing football happily.
  A: Are you good at that?
  B: No, but I can swim well.
  A: Shall we go swimming now?
  B: Good idea.
  (doing, playing football happily, good at, well, Shall, go swimming, idea)
  二、1. quickly 2. loudly 3. hard 4. quietly 5. happily
  三、played, happily, excited, hit, hard, hole, ground, poured, water, came
  四、1.× 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.√
  1. The lion is large and strong.
  2. We can pour some water into the big hole.
  3.How can I get out?
  4. You shouldn't hit the ball so hard.
  5. I can't reach the ball in the hole.
  6. Mike reads the story so quickly.
  7. We are not good at table tennis.
  8.Please cheer for us.
  9. The mouse bit the net with its sharp teeth.
  10. The lion and the mouse became good friends.
  (1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A)
  It was the Mid-Autumn Festival yesterday. Like(像……一样)other families, my family got together, too. We watched the moon and ate lots of moon cakes. They are very nice. My uncle sang some English songs for us. He also told us some funny things in Australia. We had a good time.
  (1.× 2.√ 3.√ 4.√ 5.×)
  There was a lion and a mouse in the forest. One day, two men caught the lion with a large net. "How can I get out?" asked the lion sadly. Just then, the mouse came and bit the net with his sharp teeth. The lion thanked the mouse and they became friends.
  (caught, large, sadly, Just then, bit, sharp teeth, thanked, became)
  四、1.√ 2.√ 3.√ 4.√ 5.× 6.×
  五、1. is good at 2. in the playground 3. run quickly 4. The next day 5. cheer for 6.干得好 7.倒入 8.猛击 9.动物故事 10.制定一个学习计划
  六、1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. B
  七、large, strong, some, day, small, weak, good at, catch, with
  八、1. well 2. sweets, sweet 3. read 4. comes 5. the first 6. are, became, were 7. excitedly, excited, exciting 8. quickly 9. to go
  九、A. 1. Where, going 2. Who is, for 3. How did 4. Is it, exciting
  B. 5. What is, at 6. pointed at, laughed 7. These are, idiom books
  十、1. listened, exciting jumped excitedly 2. get out of 3. From then on
  十一、A. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
  B. 1. √ 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. √
  Unit 2
  1. bike 2. never 3. dinner 4. tidy 5. bad 6. parent 7. habit 8. messy
  9. sometimes 10. well
  (1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. D)
  二、1. Good learning habits 2. gets up early 3. keep the room clean and tidy
  4. walk fast 5. does well 6.非常了解我 7.感到困 8.完成回家作业 9.睡觉时间前 10.管理她的事物井井有条
  三、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. C 10. D
  Miss Li: Why are you sleepy in class, Mike?
  Mike: Sorry, Miss Li. I finished my homework very late last night.
  Miss Li: But why?
  Mike: My parents didn't get home on time. So I had my meal late.
  Miss Li: Why didn't you do that before dinner?
  Mike: Er …
  (sleepy, Sorry, finished, homework, parents, on time, had, before dinner)
  二、Wake, Time, feel sleepy, went, late, finished, homework, late, early
  三、1. looks tired, What's, matter, him 2. keep, things in order, bedtime
  3. sometimes help, parents 4. habits, for, habits/ones 5. short horses, on, grass
  四、1.× 2.√ 3.√ 4.× 5.×
  On a school day, I usually get up at six o'clock.1 leave home at seven o'clock and I usually have school at 7:30. At school, I usually have classes, read, and take tests. I leave school at 2:45. After school, I go to work in a supermarket for two hours. I get home at about five o'clock every day. At six, I have dinner with my family. At nine, I go to bed.
  (1.× 2.√ 3.√ 4.× 5.√)
  二、1. tooth, teeth 2. us 3. sleepy, to sleep 4. good, well 5. messy 6. slowly
  7. didn't finish 8. parents
  三、1. When did, go 2.didn't finish, homework 3. How did, go to 4. went to school early
  四、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D
  1. He is sleepy so he goes to sleep very fast.
  2. On Sunday, we often go to the park with our parents.
  3. I had a big dinner last night.
  4. I always help my parents at home.
  5. I see four short horses running on the grass.
  6. Your room should not be so messy.
  7. We usually have our meals on time.
  8. I usually wash my face at seven.
  9. There are many toys on the floor.
  10. The man is not good at singing. He sings badly.
  (1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C)
  1. The four horses run very fast.
  2. We usually finish our homework before dinner.
  3. Helen never visited a farm.
  4. I helped my parents at home last weekend.
  5. Watching too much TV is not good for your eyes.
  (5 2 1 4 3)
  1. How was Helen yesterday?
  2. Does Mike have any bad habits?
  3. Where were you last Sunday?
  4. Why did you go to school late this morning?
  5. What was the matter with Linda?
  (1. D 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C)
  Wang Bing and Liu Tao are good friends. They know each other very well. Wang Bing has many good habits. He always keeps his room clean and tidy and puts things in order. Liu Tao has many good habits too. He gets up early and never goes to school late. They have the same bad habit. They both watch too much TV before bedtime.
  (friends, well, habits, tidy, order, early, never, late, before, bedtime)
  五、1. feels 2. often 3. under 4. Finishing 5. usually
  六、1. singer, badly 2. has 3. got, was 4. much 5. children, well 6. brother's
  7. mess
  七、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. D
  12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B
  八、2 4 3 1 5
  九、1. How, feel 2. When do, usually 3. How do 4. wrong 5. How did
  十、1. How is 2. Why were, late 3. Were there any running 4. Whose is, book
  5. do not, sports either 6. put, in order yesterday
  十一、1. brushes, teeth, before bedtime 2. do well 3. walk fast, had/got, hurt
  十二、(一)1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. B
  (二)1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√
  Unit 3
  1. lot 2. little 3. milk 4. healthy 5. water 6. go camping 7. a few
  8. some sweets 9. at a time 10. diet
  (1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B)
  二、1. drinks a little water 2. eating a lot of noodles 3. eat any fish 4. every day 5.作为早餐 6.健康饮食 7.甜食 8.一次
  三、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B
  1. What do Chinese people often have for breakfast?
  2. Does your uncle have a healthy diet?
  3. What's your favourite food?
  4. Where do you buy some sweets?
  5. How many mangoes did you eat?
  (1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A)
  二、1. ate 2. mangoes 3. any 4. mice 5. doesn't shout 6. no 7. potatoes, tomatoes
  三、1. What did 2. doesn't like, any 3. There are some, mice 4. Did, drink any
  5. has, healthy diet
  四、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C
  A: Mike, we don't have any vegetables at home. Let's go to the supermarket.
  B: All right.
  A: What is your favourite food?
  B: I like eating fish and sausages. And I want to have some tomatoes too.
  A: The fish is so heavy. We should have a rest.
  B: OK.
  (any vegetables, supermarket, favourite, eating, sausages, tomatoes, heavy, rest, OK)
  二、1. F 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. E
  三、1. You should not drink too much cola. 2. Do you want this big fish?
  3. There is not much food in the fridge. 4. Do you want to come with me? 5. Sam sees some food and drinks in the kitchen.
  四、1. Fruit and vegetables. 2. No, we can't. 3. We can have fresh air in the parks and countryside. 4. How to be healthy?
  1. They have the healthy body.
  2. My sister has a few eggs every week.
  3. Sometimes we water the flowers.
  4. We all like the sausages.
  5. Can you catch these little mice?
  6. Sweet food is bad for your teeth.
  7. 1 went to the supermarket yesterday.
  8. We have porridge for breakfast in China.
  9. Listening to music and reading books are Nancy's hobbies.
  10. 1 wanted an apple from the tree.
  (1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B)
  In many English homes, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
  People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o'clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon. And dinner is about half past seven. First, they have soup. Then, they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.
  (1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C)
  To have a healthy body we must have a healthy diet. First, we should have our three meals on time. Then, we should eat a lot of vegetables and some fruits every day. We should drink some milk and eat some eggs every week. We can eat sweet food, but we can only eat a little.
  (healthy, healthy diet, First, meals, vegetables, fruits, drink, sweet, little)
  四、1. about, house, mouth, shout, cloud, trousers, mouse 2. cousin, country, touch
  五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
  六、1. healthy 2. heavy 3. Mice 4. little 5. Western
  七、2 4 1 5 3
  八、1. does, eating, sweets, cakes, ice creams, drinking, water 2.go home, right, too heavy, have a rest 3. shouts, Get out, mouse, house
  九、1. healthy diet, important 2. Don't shout, library 3. saw, mice running
  about 4. Eating, vegetables, fruit, good, health 5. Chinese people, porridge, steamed buns
  十、1. What is in her house? 2. She drank a lot of water yesterday. 3. What did you have for dinner last night? 4. Did Mike catch a butterfly in the park? 5. I saw a lot of mangoes and potatoes in the kitchen.
  十一、1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A
  十二、A. 1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. √
  B. unhappy, running, healthy, important, meals
  Unit 4
  1. wake 2. net 3. mustn't 4. people 5. bite 6. loudly 7. stay 8. cola
  9. habit 10. fourth
  (1. A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D)
  二、1. road safety 2. cross the road 3. look at the traffic lights 4. wait for the green man/light 5. look out for 6. follow the rules 7. on the pavement 8. look left 9. 保证安全 10. 上车
  三、1. Are there any busy roads in the city? 2. Can you see the red man?
  3. Some children run or play football on the road. 4. What must you do to cross the road safely?
  1. You must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.
  2. To keep safe, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes.
  3. You must first look left, then right and then right.
  4. You mustn't play football on the road.
  (2 4 1 3)
  二、1. safely 2. quickly 3. waits 4. left 5. except
  三、1. must 2. mustn't 3. Can, can't, must 4. must 5. mustn't
  四、 1. I can't find a zebra crossing near me. 2. Must, follow, Yes, must 3. Why must you go to see the doctor? 4. keep quiet/listen to the teachers, talk/eat or drink
  1. Do you have a healthy diet?
  2. Does Mike go to bed early?
  3. Would you like to buy some lollipops?
  4. Must I go to the doctor?
  5. What must you do in the library?
  (1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C)
  二、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. B
  三、1. clean 2. stop 3. talking 4. mustn't 5. could
  四、1. left 2. cross 3. 1ook 4. busy 5. most 6. drive 7. way 8. with
  9. second 10. see
  1. couldn't 2. walked 3. then 4. city 5. sometimes 6. kitchen 7. washed 8. habits 9. slowly 10. tomatoes
  (1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C)
  Rules A. Use your own students card only.
  B. Take good care of all the books.
  C. Put the books back after you read them.
  D. Keep quiet in the reading room.
  E. No food or drink.
  F. Keep the room clean and tidy.
  G. Remember to return the books on time.
  (1. √ 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. ×)
  三、根据所听内容 ,完成下列短文 ,听三遍 。
  In China, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road. When you cross the road, first, you must look for a zebra crossing. Then, you must look at the traffic lights. When you see the red man, you must stop. When you see the green man, you can cross it safely.
  (China, people, right, zebra crossing, Then, traffic lights, stop, safety)
  四、l. B 2. E 3. C 4. F 5. A
  五、1. walk on the pavement 2. get on the bus 3. cross the road safely
  4. shouldn't speak loudly in class 5. follow the rules 6. at the bus stop 7. so many people 8. keep the classroom clean 9. was sick/ill 10. on the left side of the road
  六、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B
  七、1. Must you/we, Yes, must 2. are no 3. Why mustn't 4. What is
  八、l. D 2. A 3. B 4. E 5. C
  九、1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. D
  十、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
  1. My mother swept the floor just now.
  2. Look, there is a big hole in the ground.
  3. Don't pour the water on the floor.
  4. Don't shout in the library.
  5. I always have my meals on time.
  6. Please keep your room clean and tidy.
  7. They are singing happily.
  8. Don't drink too much cola.
  9. There are many busy roads in the city.
  10. We all like eating vegetables except Mike.
  (1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C)
  1. The boy is running sadly.
  2. Helen always puts her things in order.
  3. I saw four short horses running through the grass.
  4. I often have cereal, bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast.
  5. We mustn't play on the road.
  (1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. √)
  There are traffic lights at many crossroads. Traffic lights are important. They tell you when to go and when to stop. When the green light is on, you can go. When the red light is on, you must not go. You must stop. You watch the lights. Now the green light is on again. You can go.
  (1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. √)
  Tom is a good boy. He has many good habits. He gets up early in the morning and never gets to bed late. He brushes his teeth and washes his face in the morning and before bedtime. At home, he always puts his things in order. He usually finishes his homework before dinner.
  (habits, early, never, late, brushes, washes, bedtime, puts, order, finishes)
  五、1. really 2. quiet 3. clean 4. safe 5. bring 6. run 7. healthy
  8. quickly 9. pavement 10. vegetables
  六、1. drink too much cola 2. My favourite food 3. a healthy diet 4. plays basketball well 5. any bad habits 6. are playing table tennis happily 7. became good friends 8. caught a lion with a big net 9. finish your homework easily
  10. look out for cars and bikes
  七、l. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. D
  八。、1. much 2. many, few 3. little 4. little
  九、1. quiet 2. loudly 3. really 4. waiter 5. best
  十、1. didn't let 2. Did, catch, No, didn't 3. How did, help 4. How
  十一、1. a 2. flying 3. in 4. has 5. with 6. puts 7. in 8. water 9. can
  10. He
  十二、(一) 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A
  (二) 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C
  Unit 5
  1. Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit from home.
  2. Just then, a clown appears.
  3. Here are some balloons for you.
  4. Let's have some fun!
  5. When are you going to have lunch?
  6. There was heavy snow outside.
  7. When you go to a Western party, you should take a gift.
  8. Do not arrive too early.
  9. You can be a few minutes late.
  10. The party is on Children's Day.
  (1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A)
  二、1. Children's 2. will buy/is going to buy 3. to bring 4. are 5. begin
  6. appears 7. play 8. Are, aren't
  三、1. will buy/is going to buy some snacks and drinks 2. to bring some fruit from home 3. at Mike's house 4. going to play with the toys 5. have some fun 6. 就在那时 7. 把他们的东西带到刘涛家里 8. 他准备为派对做什么?
  Today is the 31st of May. Children's Day is coming soon. We are going to have a party at Yang Ling's home. Wang Bing buys some fruits from the supermarket. Su Hai brings some fruit from her home. Liu Tao goes to the party with lots of snacks. The children are hungry and they want to have some food first. They are very happy.
  (1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√)
  二、1. What are they going to bring to the party? 2. Look out of the window.
  3. You can be late a few minutes. 4. Do not arrive too early.
  三、1. Are you, bring any, aren't 2. Where are, going 3. When are, going
  4. will fly kites 5. drew pictures, yesterday
  四、1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√
  1. ?When is the party going to end?
  ?At eleven o'clock in the evening.
  2. When you go to a Western party, you should take a gift.
  3. Bobby is going to be a king. He is wearing his new clothes.
  4. Read the notes about a party.
  5. What's Andy going to bring to your house?
  (1. When, end 2. Western, should, gift 3. be, wearing 4. Read, notes
  5. bring)
  二、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C
  三、1. Where 2. How 3. When 4. What 5. Who
  四、1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.√ 5.√
  1. ?What day is it today?
  ?It's Tuesday.
  2. I'm going to tell a story.
  3. I'm going to be the king.
  4. He is wearing his new clothes.
  5. Read the note about the party.
  (1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C)
  We are going to Mary's thirteenth birthday party this weekend. We are going to take bus No.12 to her home. We are going to buy some presents for her. I am going to buy a teddy bear and Li Hua is going to buy a book. I think she will like our presents.
  (1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.×)
  1. When is the party going to begin?
  2. What are you going to do?
  3. Where are you going?
  4. Are you going to bring snacks to the party?
  5. Did you go to the library last weekend?
  (1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D)
  1. ?Where are you going to have a party?
  ?At Mike's house.
  2. You can be a few minutes late.
  3. Look out of the window.
  (1. Where, going 2. few, minutes 3. out)
  五、1. ow, ow 2. ow, ou 3. a, a 4. ui, oo 5. ear, ear 6. i, iu
  六、1. arrive too late 2. with snacks and drinks 3. to think of lots of games
  4. having a party 5. is going to/will be a king 6. tell your child a story 7. tomorrow morning 8. plays with balloons 9. 几天后 10. 这节课什么时候结束?
  七、1. likes, don't 2. cloudy, is going to/will rain 3. get 4. French, be
  5. weren't 6. fourth 7. is going to/will work
  八、1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. B
  12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
  九、1. What are, going to do 2. is going to do 3. Who's going 4. How is, going
  十、1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10. B
  十一、(一) 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C
  (二) 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
  Unit 6
  1. They want to find out about this country before the lessons.
  2. The children will learn about Australia next week.
  3. She can send me some photos.
  4. 1'11 read about Australia on the Internet.
  5. You will find many interesting things in Australia.
  6. Sport lovers like Australian Football games very much.
  7. Come and visit America today!
  8. The weather is sometimes rainy in the UK.
  (1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. A)
  二、1. ask 2. reads, is watching 3. to learn 4. Is, see, isn't, saw 5. visitors, visit 6. Australian, exciting., excited, are shouting, laughing
  三、1. want to find out about Sydney 2. send me any photos 3. look for books and magazines 4. find many interesting things 5. like kangaroos., doesn't 6. The koalas from Australia 7. 运动爱好者 8. 在澳大利亚的人们
  The children will learn about Australia at school. Mike has an e-friend in Australia. He wants to find some photos. Su Hai knows a woman in Australia. Yang Ling will surf the Internet to learn about Australia.
  (1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.×)
  二、1. I will send an e-mail to my friend in Australia. 2. The weather is sometimes rainy in the UK. 3. You'll find the Yellowstone National Park in the US. 4. The city has fresh air. Its view is fair.
  三、1. Will she go, will 2. When will, have 3. What is 4. am going to do
  5. will find out, next
  四、1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C
  1. Sport lovers will like Australian Football games because they are very interesting.
  2. They'll find out about this country next week.
  3. He is cooking fish and making a potato salad.
  4. My parents and I will visit him next month.
  (1. Sport lovers, Australian, because, interesting 2. They'll, country 3. cooking, making potato salad 4. parents, will visit, month)
  二、1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B
  三、1. will cook nice dinner for 2. wait, see 3. sent him an e-mail 4. to find out
  more, Australia 5. buy, presents for Uncle
  四、1. good 2. housework 3. lazy, be 4. Because he is very lazy. 5. He works only one day in a year.
  1. Please write down your weekend plan.
  2. I want an envelope.
  3. There is going to be a football match next Sunday.
  4. What did you do last Saturday?
  5. Are you free now?
  6. Sam is excited about the animal show.
  7. I will go shopping with my mum at a quarter to seven.
  8. ?When is your birthday? ?It's on the first of July.
  9. When will you finish your primary school?
  10. There are some interesting cities, for example, London and Oxford.
  (1. A 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B)
  1. Would you like to come to Sydney?
  2. What's Su Hai's hobby?
  3. Will you go to the library tomorrow?
  4. Where will she go?
  5. When shall we meet?
  (1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D)
  A: I'm going to Australia next summer.
  B: I like swimming there.
  A: Why?
  B: Because it's sunny and warm. How about you?
  A: I like autumn. I can catch insects with my friends.
  B: It's very interesting.
  (next summer, swimming, sunny, warm, about, autumn, catch, very interesting)
  四、1. send an e-mail to my friend 2. to cook dinner for Bobby 3. going to learn about making sandwiches 4. wait to read newspapers 5. wants to buy some presents for him 6.bought some snacks from the supermarket 7.fresh air, Its view 8.大本钟,伦敦眼和塔桥 9.你怎么想
  五、1. will make 2. read 3. Will, have 4. visitors 5. swimming, swimmer
  6. once 7.to get 8.fifth
  六、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. A
  12. B 13. C 14. C 15. B
  七、1. Are you going to 2. What's the weather like 3. Why does, like summer
  4. will buy me
  八、where, going, going, for, Yes, visit, What, Where, me, see
  九、(一) 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B
  Unit 7
  1. The children talk about their plans for the summer holiday.
  2. ?Will you go to Beijing? ?No, I won't.
  3. Did you go to the Ocean Park?
  4. That's wonderful.
  5. Will they stay in London for a month?
  6. He's full of joy.
  7. Let's take a taxi.
  8. How long will you stay there?
  (1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. D)
  二、1. are talking 2. did, go, went, was, will go 3. will visit, wonderful 4. show me, to have 5. be, join us 6. has 7. travelling 8. excited
  三、1. go to the Ocean Park 2. Go back to London, show us some photos 3. How long, stay there 4. go to Disneyland last summer holiday, went to Hong Kong 5. to go by train 6. are talking about their holiday plans 7.假期里你要去哪里? 8.听起来不错
  1. Is he from Japan?
  2. Can I speak to Yang Ling?
  3. When's National Day?
  4. Which sport do you like?
  5. What's the weather like this summer in Suzhou?
  (1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C)
  二、1. Will he stay in London for a month? 2. So he is full of joy. 3. You'll find Niagara Falls in Canada. 4. Look at the little boy playing with his toy.
  三、1. Will he watch, won't 2. How long will, stay 3. How will, go 4. Where are, going 5. When will, visit 6. will play football 7. often goes
  四、1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√
  1. How long will you stay there?
  2. ?Will you go to London by plane? ?No, I won't.
  3. Mike is writing about their summer holiday plans.
  4. Sam is excited about Bobby's plans.
  5. How will you get to the UK?
  (1. How long, stay 2. Will London Won't 3.writing summer holiday plans 4. is
  excited 5.get to)
  二、1. travelling, reading 2. visited, places 3. plan 4. get 5. take, taxi
  6. wonderful holiday
  三、1. is talking about, plans, with 2. be, traveler, travel around 3. will find,
  Grand Canyon
  四、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. D
  1. There's a map of the world on the wall.
  2. Shall we meet tomorrow morning?
  3. Is Nancy going to play at the concert?
  4. Turn right at the first crossing.
  5. Your birthday present is very nice.
  6. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.
  7. Would you like to go jogging with me?
  8. The zebra from Africa is new.
  9. Did you hurt yourself?
  10. Hello, 68851765. Is that Helen?
  (1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B)
  1. A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I'd like a map of Hong Kong.
  Q: Where are they?
  2. A: What would you like as a birthday present, Helen?
  B: I'd like a VCD of cartoons. How about you, Tom?
  A: A CD Walkman.
  Q: What would Tom like as his birthday present?
  3. A: How do you spend your weekend, Mike?
  B: I often go to see my grandparents. But last weekend, I went to the farm in a town.
  Q: How did Mike spend his weekend last week?
  4. A: What's your plan for the summer holiday, Mike?
  B: l will go to Taipei to visit my aunt.
  Q: What's Mike's plan for the summer holiday?
  5. A: Does the boy in green swim fast?
  B: No, the boy in blue swims faster than the boy in green.
  Q: Who is good at swimming?
  (1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B)
  三、听短文 ,填写所缺的单词 ,听三遍。
  There are four seasons in a year. They're spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring the weather is warm. The trees turn green. People like to fly the kites and go rowing. In summer the weather gets hot. People like to go swimming and eat ice creams. In autumn it's cool and the trees turn yellow. People like to go camping and have an outing. In winter the weather is cold and people usually go skating and make snowmen.
  (seasons, They're, warm, turn, gets, swimming, yellow, camping, outing, snowmen)
  四、1. is writing about their summer holiday plans 2. stay in London for a month
  3. travel around the world 4. get to the USA 5. will have a wonderful Christmas holiday 6. is very excited about the fashion show 7. is playing with his toys 8. did many things 9. 白金汉宫 10. 充满欢乐
  五、1. excited 2. met, were 3. draws, draw 4. is singing 5. will play
  6. listen 7. third 8. countries
  六、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. D 10. D 11. C
  12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C
  七、1. didn't bring any 2. will climb 3. What did you do 4. Why do 5. Who are, going, see
  八、on, sunny, from, writing, learning, pick, eggs, early, See, Yours
  九、(一) 1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. × 5. √
  (二) 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A
  Unit 8
  W: What do you want to be when you grow up, John?
  M: I want to be an astronaut, Mum.
  W: Why do you think so?
  M: Because I think it must be interesting to watch Earth from space.
  W: But you have to be strong and healthy if you want to be an astronaut.
  M: You're right. Mum. If you let me play football every day, I'Il be stronger.
  (1. C 2. B 3. B)
  二、1. artist 2. to work 3. writing 4. to teach 5. children 6. Dancing
  三、1. don't care about 2. fly a model plane 3. the World Cup 4. makes people
  healthy 5. to come true 6. 擅长唱歌 7. 今后,将来 8. 某天
  I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends.
  I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world.
  I have lots of dreams. I think they can come true one day, because there's an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way."
  (listen, learn, play, save, danger, dreams, come true, will)
  二、1. dentist 2. teacher 3. astronaut 4. pianist 5. dancer 6. hospital
  7. cook 8. policemen
  三、1. cooks 2. driver 3. him 4. waiter, waitress 5. painting, paint 6. to be
  7. cleaning 8. to play
  四、1. What, want, be, future, good at writing, want, be, writer 2. told him
  3. walk on, Moon 4. ill, should, take care, her
  Miss Liu is a teacher. She teaches in No. 1 Middle School. She teaches English. She is a good teacher. Everyone likes her very much.
  She gets up at six every morning. She has breakfast at six thirty. Then she goes to school.
  She gets there very early. She works very hard.
  She goes home at five. she has dinner at home. Then she reads books. she goes to bed at ten.
  (1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C)
  二、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. B
  三、1. watch 2. go 3. study 4. to read 5. playing 6. are listening 7. help
  8. painting
  四、1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C
  1. I want to be a magazine reporter.
  2. There is a hospital next to the supermarket.
  3. The girl wants to be a pianist because she thinks it's interesting.
  4. Do you like to come late?
  5. My father works in a police station as a policeman.
  (1. B 2. A 3.B 4. C 5. A)
  1. What does she do?
  2. Is your mother a doctor?
  3. What do you want to be?
  4. Where does your sister work?
  5. Why do you want to be a dancer?
  (1. B 2 . C 3. A 4. C 5. B)
  Betty is five years old, but her mother wants her to go to school, because she wants to work in a factory again.
  A month before school, Ms Brace tells Betty about school. "It's very nice,"she says, "you will play games, paint pictures and sing songs there."
  Ms Brace does these things with Betty. Betty likes the games, painting and singing, but she wants to be near her mother, so Ms Brace is very worried.
  On the first day at school, Betty is very good. She doesn't cry, and she is very happy.
  On the second morning, Ms Brace says, “Put your clothes on, Betty. I'm going to take you to school in a minute.”
  “School?" Betty says. "But I've been to school.”
  (1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√)
  五、1. difficult 2.dentist 3.brave 4.scientist 5.sport
  六、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.A
  七、1. want to be, because it's an 2. Do, singing, dancing 3. to fly, spaceship, Moon 4. music makes, tired 5. write stories for, future
  九、1. good at football 2. take care of 3. What does, want 4. What do, want, do
  5. has no
  十、 (一) 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B
  (二) 1. Yes, he is. 2. No, he isn't. 3. Yes, he does. 4. No, he isn't.
  5. No, he isn't.
  1. W: What are your plans for the holiday?
  M: I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland.
  2. M: When did you see the wonderful fashion show?
  W: On the twenty-fourth of December.
  3. W: Let's have a party at Liu Tao's house, shall we?
  M: Sure. Let's buy some snacks and drinks.
  4. M: Why did she laugh happily?
  W: She watched a wonderful film on TV after dinner.
  5. W: Can I help you?
  M: Yes, please. I want to buy a book on Chinese history.
  6. M: What do you have for breakfast, Yang Ling?
  W: I have a lot of noodles and an egg.
  7. W: Please be quiet! This is the reading room.
  M: Sorry, Grace.
  8. M: Do you know what Millie's hobby is?
  W: Her hobby is dancing. She goes to dancing school.
  9. W: How long will you stay in Taipei?
  M: I will visit my aunt for two days and then travel around Taipei for a week.
  10. M: Are you going to plant trees with us tomorrow?
  W: Why not? When and where shall we meet?
  (1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C)
  John Brown is a Music School student. He will leave the school in July this year. He is going to work in the evening. He is going to play the piano at the restaurant of the Star Hotel.
  After work he will have dinner. He will take a taxi home at three in the morning. He will go to bed at four and get up at one in the afternoon. He likes the work because he only works three nights a week.
  (1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A)
  All students need to have good habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.
  Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. It will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.
  Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You'll feel tired if there is not enough light.
  (1. need 2. quickly 3. easily 4. living 5. quiet 6. bedroom 7. help
  8. better 9. Before 10. tired)
  四、l. shouts, out, mouse, house 2. window, snow 3. there, air, fair 4. boy,
  toy, joy
  五、l. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. C
  六、l. always 2. often 3. never 4. Sometimes, sometimes
  七、1. plays, is playing 2. is reading 3. is singing, likes, will have 4. swim, will
  swim, are swimming 5. goes, will go 6. Will, play
  八、l. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D
  九、(一)1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A
  (二)1. Open Season 2. Jinyi 3. can't 4. 150 5. 略
  (三) 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. BUnit l
  1. play 2. like 3. foolish 4. books 5. make
  6. were 7. listen 8. Tuesday 9. long long ago 10. play computer games
  (1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D)
  二、1. make new clothes 2. try on 3. wearing any clothes 4. walked through
  5. point at 6. One day 7. 很久以前 8. 聪明的人
  9. 在大街上 10. 穿着他的新衣服
  三、1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B
  1. A: What subject do you like?
  B: I like English. How about Yang Ling?
  A: She likes Social Science.
  2. A: Do you have three Maths Lessons in a week?
  B: No, we have five.
  3. A: Yesterday was Saturday.
  B: Yes and today is Sunday. It’s Halloween. It’s Yang Ling’s birthday, too.
  4. A: Today is Wednesday. What day was it yesterday?
  B: It was Tuesday.
  5. A: What lessons do you have this morning?
  B: I have Chinese and Science.
  A: How about your sister?
  B: She has PE and Science.
  6. A: Look! There are a lot of students in the room. Are they reading magazines?
  B: No, they’re reading picture books.
  (1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. D)
  二、A. 1. What subject do 2. What day, today 3. How many, you 4. Are, am not, was B. 5. Miss Li and her students are having a lesson.
  6. The king fits the new clothes very well.
  三、1. told, liked 2. like, interesting, about you, English
  3. American cowboy, wearing, kilt, jeans 4. her students, having an
  四、1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. ×
  A: What’s the time now, please?
  B: Oh, it’s nine twenty-five.
  A: It’s time to have a Maths lesson.
  B: What lessons do you have this morning?
  A: We have Chinese, Science and Art.
  B: How about yesterday morning?
  A: We had English, PE and Music.
  (time, nine twenty-five, time, Maths lesson, this, Chinese, How about, had)
  二、1. of 2. to 3. through 4. did 5. on 6. is 7. at 8. the
  三、ago, was, had, magic, walked, through, laughed, angry
  四、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D
  1. Yesterday was Friday.
  2. How many lessons do you have a week?
  3. Tuesday is after Monday.
  4. We’re having an interesting lesson now.
  5. Dad told me an old story.
  6. Let us think hard.
  (1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C)
  1. listen, learn, lesson 2. turn, ten, time 3. many, very, any 4. magic, mice, Maths
  (1. 312 2. 132 3. 132 4. 321)
  A: Hello, Yang Ling.
  B: Hello, Mike.
  A: My father told me a story last night.
  B: Is it interesting?
  A: Yes, I like it very much. Let me tell you.
  B: Great!
  A: Long long ago, there was a mountain.
  B: An old man and a little boy lived in a house on the mountain.
  A: Did you listen to the story before?
  B: Yes. My father told me too.
  (1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. ×)
  Long long ago, two men visited the king and showed him some magic clothes. The king walked through the city in his new clothes. A boy laughed at him and said, “The king isn’t wearing any clothes.” The king was very angry.
  (ago visited showed magic walked through city laughed wearing was)
  五、1. × 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. √ 6. √
  六、A. 1. What day, Monday, How many, lessons
  2. What subjects, English, How about, too
  B. 3. √ 4. ×
  七、1. D 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B
  八、back, meet, new, term, Social Science, interesting, like, about, too
  九、1. well 2. box, chocolates 3. is reading 4. got 5. the first
  6. are, became, were 7. me, to make 8. is running 9. to go l0. Don’t open
  十、A. 1. What day 2. What lessons, you have 3. Where did 4. How many, were
  B. 5. was an orange 6. is pointing laughing 7. doesn’t wear any
  十一、1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D seven, Sunday, holiday, Monday, Friday, weekend
  拓展提高 略
  Unit 2
  1. take 2. brought 3. dear 4. ant 5. bad
  6. picked 7. rained 8. cloudy 9. thing 10. Hair
  (1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B)
  二、1. some delicious dumplings 2. warm and windy 3. wear different clothes
  4. flew kites high 5. 又饿又冷 6. 在面包上 7. 一整天 8. 一场木偶表演
  三、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. C
  Doctor: Good morning. What’s the matter with you?
  Mr Black: I think I’m not good.
  Doctor: I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else?
  Mr Black: I lost my new bike too.
  Doctor: Let me see. Ha! Ha! You are not ill. You are so sad. Don’t worry. You will be fine.
  Mr Black: Thank you, doctor.
  (the matter with, not good, lost, see, ill, sad, fine)
  二、1. F 2. D 3. G 4. A 5. B 6. H 7. I 8. C 9. J l0. E
  三、1. looks, What’s wrong with 2. Classes, buy some things
  3. happened, lost new 4. was windy, didn’t, climbing
  四、1. × 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. ×
  1. How do you do?
  2. What’s the weather like today?
  3. How many English lessons were there last week?
  4. What did you bring here?
  5. What’s the matter with your father?
  (1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C)
  二、1. My 2. her 3. Don’t open 4. windy 5. dresses 6. is 7. had 8. any 9. saw
  三、1. When did 2. didn’t do, homework 3. How did, go to 4. flew kites, last Sunday
  四、1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A
  1. There was a new bike under the big tree.
  2. On Sunday, we often go to the park with our parents.
  3. I got up at nine yesterday.
  4. It was rainy. I couldn’t fly kites last Sunday.
  5. I came to school by bus this morning.
  6. After supper they usually watch TV in the living room.
  7. Do the boy students still stay at school or at home?
  (1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A)
  1. There were some fruit trees on the farm.
  2. Did you like the cartoons?
  3. Helen visited a farm with her classmates on Monday.
  4. What did you do last Sunday?
  5. I watched a cartoon at home last weekend.
  6. Let’s cheer together for the coming New Year.
  (4 2 1 5 3 6)
  1. A: Why were you absent yesterday, Helen?
  B: I was ill at home.
  Q: Where was Helen yesterday?
  2. A: Do you have Computer Studies this term, Mike?
  B: No. We had it last term.
  Q: Did Mike have Computer Studies last term?
  3. A: What lessons do you have on Friday afternoon?
  B: We have PE, Art and Music.
  Q: How many lessons do they have on Friday afternoon?
  4. A: What’s the matter, Tom?
  B: I couldn’t find my book.
  Q: What’s wrong with Tom?
  5. A: Are you feeling better, Nancy?
  B: No, I still feel ill.
  Q: What’s wrong with Nancy?
  (1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B)
  It was sunny last Sunday morning. I wanted to fly kites with Mike. We went to the park and saw some interesting parrots. At noon, it was windy. We flew kites high in the sky. We came back home at four. We were very happy.
  (sunny wanted went saw interesting windy flew high came were)
  五、1. sad 2. windy 3. hear 4. high 5. dumplings
  六、1. had 2. got 3. better 4. her 5. us 6. our, playing 7. sun, sunny 8. flew
  七、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
  6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C
  11. A 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. C
  八、1 4 2 6 3 5 7
  九、1. How, feel 2. When did, do 3. What subject
  4. What day 5. the matter 6. How did
  十、1. What was, weather like
  2.Why were, hungry
  3. Were there any, either
  4. When did, get
  5. How cloudy, is
  6. didn’t bring any
  十一、A: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
  B: 1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. ×
  拓展提高 略
  Unit 3
  1. collect 2. star 3. museum 4. holiday 5. water 6. go fishing
  7. make model planes 8. Tian’anmen Square 9. look after 10. my aunt
  (1. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C)
  二、1. came back to school 2. National Day 3. catch any fish
  4. picked many/a lot of apples 5. caught a bird 6. see any interesting things
  7. 我们全家 8. 非常有趣 9. 星湖边上的一家电影院 10. 在家
  三、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. A l0. C
  1. Where did you go?
  2. What did Wang Bing do on the farm?
  3. How many flowers can you see?
  4. Did your brother like playing basketball?
  5. I like collecting Chinese stamps.
  (1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C)
  二、1. ate 2. Nancy’s 3. us 4. making 5. collected 6. are 7. was
  三、1. What did, do 2. likes making 3. He likes an 4. Did, water 5. had some
  四、1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. √ 5. √
  A: Mike, where did you go last Sunday? I called you but you weren’t at home.
  B: I went to a farm and visited my aunt there.
  A: What did you do there?
  B: I picked oranges and ate them. I fished there and I caught a very big fish.
  A: You must be very happy.
  B: Of course.
  (where, Sunday, called, weren’t, went, visited, picked, ate, fished, caught)
  二、1. F 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. E
  三、1. She was excited about the fashion show.
  2. Is that an interesting paper clothes?
  3. There was not heavy rain.
  4. You can not wear bottles here.
  5. We went to the farm and picked some apples.
  四、1. stay at home, go for a walk, play football with their friends
  2. No, he doesn’t.
  3. We went to a farm.
  4. He planted trees and did farm works.
  5. I watched TV/played football/stayed at home … last weekend. (答案不唯一)
  1. They have the same hobby.
  2. My sister washed clothes at home last Sunday.
  3. Sometimes we water the flowers.
  4. We all like the animal stamps.
  5. Can you make a paper shirt for my doll?
  6. I’m sorry. You’ve got a bad cold.
  7. Listening to music and reading books are Nancy’s hobbies.
  8. We don’t have Easter holiday in China.
  9. I watered trees for my parents last night.
  10. I wanted an apple from the tree.
  (1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B)
  1. Do you have any hobbies?
  2. Did you go shopping yesterday?
  3. Does Mike like playing football?
  4. Where did you go?
  5. How was Mike’s holiday?
  (1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B)
  Last Summer holiday, I visited my grandparents in Beijing. Beijing is a very beautiful city. We saw the Great Wall, we went to Summer Palace and Tian’anmen Square. We were very happy.
  (visited, beautiful, saw, Great Wall, went, Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square)
  四、1. wanted collected pointed shouted
  2. laughed picked looked watched
  3. lived turned rained climbed
  五、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C
  六、1. likes making 2. Did, grow did 3. do, like like playing
  4. Did, go swimming, didn’t 5. is, was 6. her 7. Classes 8.got
  七、1. were, was, farm, did, do, picked, my family
  2. were, at, did, do, flew kites, else, do, played, football
  八、1. collecting, English, stamps 2. likes cooking, food 3. likes making, ships
  4. His, likes making clothes 5. is, doing, is looking after
  九、1.Where were they?
  2. She wore a red dress yesterday.
  3. How did you go to the park last weekend?
  4. Did Mike catch a butterfly in the park?
  5.Why did you call me?
  十、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
  十一、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. √ English, Sunday, basketball, hobbies, watching
  同步拓展 略
  Unit 4
  1. He usually swims on Sundays.
  2. Do you like surfing the Internet?
  3. She lives in a small town near London.
  4. What couldn’t you do twelve years ago?
  5. I rode a bike to school yesterday.
  (1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C)
  二、1. loudly quietly 2. Thursday surf 3. hard park
  4. summer winter 5. town brown
  三、1. write an email/ write emails 2. ten years ago 3. listen to the radio
  4. read newspapers 5. do shopping on the Internet 6. all over the world
  7. from Monday to Friday 8. surf the Internet 9. 那时和现在 10. 喜欢交朋友
  1. What does your mother usually do in the morning?
  2. Did you write letters to your friends ten years ago?
  3. Where does Wang Bing come from?
  4. What subjects does he like?
  5. What could Helen do six years ago?
  (1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A)
  二、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. C
  三、1. carefully 2. beautifully 3. bought 4. flew 5. sit
  四、1. He lives in a small town near London.
  2. What did David do last Sunday?
  3. I like surfing the Internet.
  4. He wrote letters a week ago.
  5. They listened to the radio for news yesterday.
  Last Wednesday, there was an art festival at Yang Ling’s school. The students drew some pictures. They put the pictures on the wall near the school gate. They made a lot of colourful kites and flew them in the playground. They also sang English songs and did Chinese dances. Yang Ling had a good time.
  (Wednesday, was, drew, put, made, flew, sang, did, dances, had)
  二、1. wait 2. still 3. ate 4. holiday 5. spell
  三、1. rode a bike 2. didn’t take 3. He/She, catches
  4. What day was 5. When did, wear
  四、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
  1. jump 2. Tuesday 3. listen 4. sometimes 5. Internet
  6. work 7. year 8. spell 9. people 10. Walked
  (1. A 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. D)
  1. email 2. beautifully 3. usually 4. swim 5. Sunday
  (1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D)
  Kate is my good friend. She lives in a new house near a park in London. Kate and I are twelve years old. Kate does not study Chinese. So she can’t speak Chinese. Kate likes Science very much. She likes making model planes. We have the same hobby. We usually write an email to each other at the weekends.
  (1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. √)
  Nancy: Hi, Ben! It was the National Day holiday last week. What did you do?
  Ben: On Monday I flew kites. On Tuesday and Wednesday I played football. On Thursday I played computer games with my parents. On Friday and Saturday I visited my uncle and aunt. On Sunday I stayed at home and did some housework.
  Nancy: Wow! You were really busy.
  (was, holiday, flew kites, games, parents, visited, stayed, did, were)
  五、1. couldn’t write 2. read e-books 3. am writing an email
  4. lives in 5. Plays football
  6. bought me a new mobile phone/ bought a new mobile phone for me
  7. didn’t have a radio 8. making friends 9. visited the Great Wall
  10. used the phone to call you
  六、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. B
  七、1. good, well 2. flowers, flower 3. beautiful, beautifully
  4. looks 5. rained 6. flew 7. showed
  八、1. washes clothes 2. didn’t buy any 3. Did, do, Yes, she did
  4. What could, do 5. Who 6. How does
  九、1. like watching TV 2. go to school, Monday, Saturday 3. met, e-friend, last Sunday
  4. was fifteen years old, could cook nice food 5. is looking out of
  十、1. had 2. went 3. met 4. was 5. sat
  6. ate 7. played 8. saw 9. were 10. fun
  十一、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
  拓展提高 略
  1. It’s a fine day.
  2. 1 went to the park last weekend.
  3. I played football this morning.
  4. I watched a film in the cinema.
  5. Ten years ago, I could climb.
  6. I like singing and dancing.
  7. I couldn’t ride a bike last year.
  8. We were on the farm last summer holiday.
  (1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. × 6. × 7. √ 8. √)
  1. What day is it today?
  2. Did you go to the park three days ago?
  3. Was it cloudy yesterday?
  4. Where were you last night?
  5. Where did you go in Shanghai?
  (1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. D)
  David gets up at six thirty every morning. He has breakfast at home with his sister, Nancy. Nancy is a schoolgirl. She is 9. She has eight subjects at school. She likes English and Maths. But she doesn’t like PE, because she is not strong. David likes Science very much. He likes growing flowers with his classmates.
  (1. × 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. × 6. √)
  On Wednesday, Mr Smith went to a restaurant. There were many people there. He found ten children in the same clothes. They all had white hats, grey coats and black trousers. They ate a lot of food and drank lots of juice. They had a lot of fun.
  (Wednesday, went, were, found, same, had, coats, ate, drank, fun)
  五、1. tried on these magic clothes 2. pointed at the king 3. are telling stories
  4. an animal show 5. played basketball 6. did housework
  7. after the National Day holiday 8. caught a big fish
  9. a fine/ sunny day 10. all day
  六、1. well 2. ship 3. ride 4. runs 5. am writing
  6. grows 7. plays 8. to eat 9. taught 10. read
  七、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B
  八、1. What subject does, study
  2. Does, like playing, doesn’t
  3. Our Chinese teacher has got a high fever.
  4. watched a cartoon 5. It is an old stamp.
  6. What day 7. How did, feel
  九、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D
  十、A: 1. × 2. × 3. × 4. √ 5. ×
  B: 1. Janet 2. sunny, warm 3. house
  4. football 5. milk cows, earlier 6. Janet, Helen
  Unit 5
  1. ?What does the sign mean?
  ?It means “No smoking”。
  2. Look at that sign. It means the floor is wet.
  3. You can’t eat or drink in the library.
  4. Don’t park your car here.
  5. You shouldn’t swim in the river.
  6. Be careful! It’s dangerous!
  7. Look, there is a restaurant over there.
  8. Park your car here.
  (6 3 4 1 5 8 7 2)
  二、1. hobbies, taking 2. do, signs, mean, park 3. Does, mean, smoking, does,
  4. likes 5. is running 6. beautifully 7. goes 8. shopping
  三、1. be careful 2. No littering 3. go shopping
  4. in a restaurant 5. from Monday to Friday 6. 把果汁带进商店
  7. 许多漂亮的邮票 8. 种花 9. 在森林里 10. 游泳游得好
  It is sunny today. Mr Smith is walking in the park. Suddenly, he sees something under a big tree. Oh, it’s a sweater. He looks around. There is no one nearby. He takes it in his hand and asks in a loud voice, “Whose sweater is it?” No one answers him. He asks again and again. Then a park keeper comes up to him. He says to Mr Smith, “Can’t you see that sign over there? It says ‘Keep quiet’。 So please don’t shout and leave here quickly.” But when he sees the sweater, his face turns red and he says, “Oh, I am sorry. This is my sweater. Thank you.” Mr Smith gives it to him and goes away.
  (1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A)
  二、Saturday, library, different, know, can, litter, should, quiet, eat, drink
  三、1. Can you see the sign over there?
  2. My brother likes taking photos, but I don’t.
  3. They see a lot of monkeys around them.
  4. Would you please show me your photo?
  四、1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. × 5. √
  1. The girl said to the little bird, “Because today is my birthday.”
  2. ?Mary, your grandfather likes collecting stamps, right?
  ?No, he doesn’t. He likes growing flowers.
  3. ?What does she usually do on Saturdays?
  ?She usually reads English and does housework. She’s very busy.
  4. ?What does the sign mean?
  ?It means “No smoking”。
  (l. said, Because, birthday 2. collecting stamps, doesn’t, growing flowers
  3. usually, on, reads English, housework, busy 4. does, sign, smoking)
  二、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B
  9. A 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. B
  三、1. Do, see any, don’t 2. What does, mean
  3. Which sign 4. No smoking 5. doesn’t have
  四、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. √
  1. A: What day is it today?
  B: It’s Thursday.
  2. The students are having a Maths lesson now.
  3. The floor is wet.
  4. She cooks nice food and grows beautiful flowers.
  5. Bobby and Sam are on an outing.
  (1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B)
  1. Yang Ling likes dancing.
  2. Su Yang likes Chinese.
  3. Helen is in a juice shop.
  4. Ben likes collecting stamps.
  5. Wang Bing sees a sign on the building.
  (1. E 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C)
  1. What day is it today?
  2. A: What’s wrong with you?
  B: I’ve got a headache and a bad cough.
  3. May I speak to Helen?
  4. A: Do you have any hobbies, Nick?
  B: Yes, I do. I like taking photos.
  5. What do these signs mean?
  6. Where are Su Hai and Su Yang from?
  7. In this sign, you can see a finger and a mouth. It’s very interesting. What does it mean?
  8. What does she usually do on Sundays?
  9. Does it mean “No fishing”?
  10. How many Art lessons does he have?
  (1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B)
  1. ?Is the sign interesting?
  ?Yes, it is.
  2. A: Does Lin Tao jump high?
  B: No, he doesn’t. He runs fast.
  3. A: What’s wrong with your father?
  B: He’s got a bad cold.
  (1. interesting 2. high, runs fast 3. bad)
  五、1. stay in bed 2. have a lot of rest 3. at a shopping centre 4. an interesting lesson
  5. wash clothes 6. take some medicine 7. 带一些香蕉作为午饭
  8. 一封李叔叔的来信 9. 许多公共场所 10. 我们班级的许多学生
  六、1. mean 2. well 3. ship 4. ride 5. runs 6. Is, smoking, smell
  7. grows 8. have, am having 9. Dangerous
  七、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. B
  9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. C
  八、1. What subjects does, study 2. Does, playing. doesn’t 3. What does, mean
  4. watches a cartoon 5. should keep quiet 6. What day 7. How do, feel
  九、A: 1. √ 2. √ 3. √ 4. × 5. × 6. C 7. B 8. A
  B: penfriend, lives in, same, write to, surf the Internet, studying, wants
  一、1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B
  Unit 6
  1. down 2. exercise 3. fever 4. come 5. bend
  6. stop 7. play 8. move 9. rubbish 10. Messy
  (1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C)
  二、(左) hair ear neck shoulder arm knee foot
  (右) eye nose mouth finger hand leg
  三、1. Stand in a line 2. Touch your left foot with your right hand
  3. Lie down, bend your knees 4. move some factories away from our city
  5. keep our city clean 6. takes the metro to school 7. put the rubbish in the bin
  8. 站在这个男人的肩上 9. 尝试跟着老师的指令 10. 种更多的树
  It’s Monday morning. We are having a PE lesson. We like PE very much. Look, our PE teacher, Miss Zhang is giving orders. We are trying to follow the orders. We have three groups. The students in Group One are putting their feet together and jumping up and down. The students in Group Two are lying on their backs. They are so funny. I’m in Group Three. We are putting our hands on our heads and turning left and right. We are very tired. But we are happy.
  (1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. √)
  二、1. makes, city dirty 2. put, pineapple on 3. Do, feel
  4. is rubbish, are dead 5. What makes
  三、1. giving 2. walk 3. Put 4. slips, falls 5. don’t like to play/playing
  四、1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
  Bobby and Tina are walking home after school. There are many museums, shops and cinemas in the street. Suddenly, Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground. Tina says to him, “you shouldn’t do that! Pick it up. It makes the streets messy.” And then Tina asks Bobby to put the rubbish in the bin. They go home happily.
  (walking, after, museums, cinemas, throws, skin, ground,
  says, shouldn’t, Pick, makes, messy, rubbish, bin, happily)
  二、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
  三、1. Don’t look 2. What makes 3. What can you do 4. walked home 5. aren’t any
  四、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C
  1. Can you put this apple on your head?
  2. How many push-ups can you do?
  3. What can we do to keep our school clean?
  4. Lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.
  5. Black smoke makes the air dirty.
  (1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B)
  1. Is the river dirty?
  2. Where is my grape?
  3. Can you do some exercise?
  4. What are the students doing?
  5. What can we do to keep our city clean?
  (1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A)
  A: Do you want to be healthy?
  B: Of course, I do.
  A: Good. Now follow me to do some exercise. Lie on your back.
  B: OK.
  A: Put your legs together. Bend your knees eight times.
  B: All right.
  A: Stand up, please. Lift up your right leg and touch it with your hands ten times.
  B: Oh, I feel tired now.
  (healthy, follow, Lie, back, Put, legs, Bend, knees, Lift, touch)
  四、1. is giving orders, in the ground 2. Put the knees together, lift up your right arm
  3. want to be healthy, do a lot of/much exercise 4. Black smoke from factories
  5. these pictures of our city 6. throw the rubbish on the floor
  7. 远离它 8. 感觉非常累
  五、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. A
  六、1. How many 2. doesn’t like 3. Clothes makes Nancy’s bedroom messy and dirty.
  4. take the metro to 5. don’t do
  七、1. touch 2. doing 3. move, factories 4. done 5. doesn’t have
  八、listen, follow, body, Lift, leg, Jump, lie, Bend, touch, Move
  九、1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A
  同步拓展 略
  Unit 7
  1. There’s a football game at a quarter past five.
  2. I do my homework from five to six.
  3. There is not much oil.
  4. There’s no time for breakfast.
  5. We use wood to make tables.
  (1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C)
  二、1. a busy day 2. from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon
  3. has no time to rest 4. Are you ready for 5. In many places
  6. reuse and save energy 7. come from coal and oil
  8. 刷牙 9. 需要打扫 10. 使用太多塑料
  三、1. feet 2.brushes, teeth 3.libraries 4.useful
  5. drive 6. comes 7. to make 8. the twenty-second
  1. What time is it?
  2. What are you doing?
  3. What should we do to protect the earth?
  4. Shall we have dinner?
  5. How can we reuse plastic?
  (1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A)
  二、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B
  三、1. E 2. A 3. F 4. D 5. C
  四、1. √ 2. × 3. × 4. × 5. √
  Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal and oil on earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.
  (Most, energy comes, coal, oil, earth, save, because)
  二、1. What time 2. Does, have 3. shouldn’t use
  4. Let’s make a poster and tell them about it.
  5. There’s a football game at a quarter past four.
  6. What should, not do 7. to have
  三、1. Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.
  2. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.
  3. Don’t use too much plastic.
  4. World Environment Day is on June 5th.
  四、1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D
  1. past 2. arm 3. wall 4. fast 5. foot 6. fifty
  7. twenty-five to five 8. reuse 9. wood 10. cut down
  (1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B)
  1. My brother gets up at five past six.
  2. He has breakfast at twenty-five to seven.
  3. He goes to school at seven o’clock.
  4. He needs to clean classroom before class.
  5. His classes begin at eight o’clock.
  6. There are four classes in the morning.
  7. He has lunch at half past eleven.
  8. He plays football after school.
  9. He doesn’t watch TV in the evening.
  10. He is very tired before he goes to bed.
  (5 10 9 7 4 1 6 3 8 2)
  Bobby and Sam are doing a project. They should make a poster. The earth is our home. We should protect it. Then Sam draws a rubbish bin on it. It means we shouldn’t litter. The poster is ready. What a nice poster!
  (project, poster, earth, protect, draws, rubbish bin, litter, ready, What)
  四、Wood, use, other, should, because, help keep
  五、1. do his homework 2. at twenty to twelve 3. on duty 4. protect the earth
  5. make bags and bottles 6. cut down too many trees 7. clean the library
  8. 从六点到十点十分 9. 世界环境日 10. 在校门口
  六、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. B
  七、1. What time, What’s the time 2. to go to 3. shouldn’t use
  4. Please don’t use 5. is no, for breakfast 6. a quarter to eight, seven forty-five
  八、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
  九、A: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D
  B: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B
  同步拓展 略
  Unit 8
  On New Year’s Eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. After dinner, we always watch TV. The children are looking forward to receiving red packets, and they play with fireworks together. We can enjoy lion dance in the street. Everyone is busy on Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy, too.
  二、1. am going to do 2. are going to water 3. is going to buy 4. are going to read
  5. are going to go 6. are going to fly 7. is going to watch 8. is going to go
  9. is going to read 10. are going to play
  三、1. make and eat tangyuan 2. to watch fireworks 3. having dinner
  4. buy new clothes 5. at the weekends 6. watching cartoons
  7. 在春节的第二天 8. 当然 9. 搬运轻的东西 10. 荡秋千
  It’s Sunday today. It’s a sunny day. Lucy is going to the park. She’s going to fly a kite with Lily. Lily’s mother doesn’t go to the park. Tomorrow is Lily’s birthday. She is going to buy a new dress for her. Her mother and Lucy’s mother are going shopping. Lucy’s mother wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself.
  (1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. ×)
  二、1. am going to travel 2. is going to live 3. are going to play
  4. is going to buy 5. are going to see 6. am going to see
  三、1. spend, weekend, sports, go, with, friends 2. learn, lot from
  3. is coming tonight 4. are going to read 5. Is, going fishing, going swimming
  四、1. √ 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. √
  It’s going to be Chinese New Year. Jenny is going to stay with Lucy’s family. They’re going to clean the house, buy some new clothes and do some shopping. It’s going to be lots of fun. On New Year’s Day, they’re going to visit Lucy’s grandparents. Jenny is going to get lots of lucky money, too. They will be very happy.
  (New year, stay, clean, clothes, shopping, fun, visit, get, happy)
  二、1. I’m going to meet my friends/my teacher …
  2. I’m going to eat eggs/meat … for dinner.
  3. I’m going to go to the cinema/park … tomorrow.
  4. I’m going to study English/Chinese/science … tomorrow.
  5. I’m going to watch cartoons/a film … tonight.
  6. I’m going to get up at 7 o’clock /6:30 in the morning …tomorrow.
  7. I’m going to wear a T-shirt/skirt/coat … tomorrow.
  8. I’m going to meet my father/mother/grandparents … tomorrow.
  9. I’m going to go home at 4:30/5 o’clock in the afternoon … today.
  10. I’m going to read storybooks/ an English book … tonight.
  三、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
  四、1. She likes to play the piano.
  2. She is going to play the piano tomorrow.
  3. Yes, she does.
  4. Jane is very excited about this concert.
  5. Yes, I do.
  1. His hobby is collecting butterfly stamps.
  2. She is as busy as a bee in the morning.
  3. Mr Smith teaches children with special needs.
  4. I’m afraid it’s too late to catch the first bus.
  5. My aunt lives in Canada.
  6. What a beautiful girl!
  7. How do you catch insects?
  8. I often go swimming in summer.
  9. The students are talking about their weekends in the class.
  10. We are going to talk about the air pollution.
  (1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A)
  It’s Friday afternoon. School is over. The students are talking about their weekends. Helen likes to surf the Internet. Tom likes taking photos. Su Yang often watches cartoons with Su Hai. Sometimes they play on the swings. The students are all very happy.
  (1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. ×)
  Today is Sunday. Mike is going to the zoo with his classmates. He puts on his new white T-shirt and yellow cap. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop. The bus stop is near his home. He is going to meet them there. The zoo is very far but a No.1 bus will take them right there. The children are going to see a lot of animals at the zoo and they are going to have a good time.
  (Sunday, zoo, classmates, T-shirt, parents, meet, take, see, animals, have)
  四、cook, looking, cookbook, look, good
  五、1. Where 2. How 3. When 4. What 5. Who
  六、l. do, spend 2. likes flying, flies 3. is touching, her 4. beautiful, beautifully
  5. does, do 6. are going to watch 7. Is, going to have
  8. are, going to do, am going to see 9. Are, going 10. is going to be
  七、1. Who, What 2. catches insects 3. does, do 4. doesn’t like 5. Are they, aren’t
  6. is not 7. What’s, going to do 8. How are, going to 9. are going to have
  八、1. What are you going to do this evening?
  2. I am going to clean my room.
  3. I am going by train.
  4. We are going to visit my aunt.
  5. I am going to the park this afternoon.
  九、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C. 6. C 7. D 8. C
  9. B 10. A 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A
  同步拓展 略
  1. Don’t turn left.
  2. No littering.
  3. Wet floor.
  4. No swimming.
  5. Danger!
  6. No eating or drinking.
  7. No parking.
  8. No smoking.
  9. Slow!
  10. Keep off the grass.
  (7 8 2 6 9 5 3 1 4 10)
  1. Where did you go for the holiday?
  2. Did Sam wear paper clothes?
  3. What does the sign mean?
  4. What did you do twenty minutes ago?
  5. What makes the air dirty?
  (1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B)
  Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Nancy’s birthday. Liu Tao and Helen are going to have a party in Nancy’s house. They will get there by bike. Helen is going to buy a nice pen for her. Liu Tao is going to sing a birthday song. Nancy’s mother is going to make a big cake for them. They will be very excited tomorrow.
  (1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C)
  四、1. afternoon, card 2. meet, three, beach, tree 3. mother, teacher, summer
  4. dirty, bird, girl, skirt 5. cool, food, afternoon, zoo
  五、l. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
  六、1. dragonflies 2. cooking, cooks 3. children, their 4. are, feel 5. is going
  6. doesn’t have 7. made 8. beautiful, beautifully 9. to buy 10. reads
  七、year, went, had, lot, food, visited, back, tired
  八、1. am free, cinema 2. are talking, America 3. Put your, knees 4. to five this
  5. Does, French, teaches 6. am going to 7. are you going to do, am going to
  8. Is, going to, weekend, is, is going to
  九、A: 1. × 2. × 3. × 4. ×
  B: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A
  1. Don’t let time slip by.
  2. It was a windy night.
  3. The house was always messy.
  4. I am going to buy some food tomorrow.
  5. We reuse our plastic bags.
  6. Baby has a soft skin.
  7. We should not cut down too many trees.
  8. The lion turned into a prince.
  9. Look out of the car window, there’s a sheep crossing the road!
  10. My sister and I went to the Bund of Shanghai in 1999.
  (1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. D)
  1. Are you all busy today?
  2. How does Mary go to school?
  3. Welcome to the Japanese Club.
  4. What are Liu Tao and Gao Shan doing?
  5. Does your uncle often watch basketball games on TV?
  (1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A)
  Mr Black is from Japan. His wife is from England. He and his wife teach Japanese and English in Beijing. They have a son and a daughter. They are Tom and Millie. Tom is a student, but Millie is not. She is only four. They have two toy monkeys. One is big, the other is small. The big one is for Tom and the small one is for Millie. Sometimes they go to the park on Saturdays. Mr Black likes drawing pictures there. Tom and Millie like catching butterflies in the park. Mrs Black often reads magazines there. The Blacks love China. They have a lot of friends in Beijing.
  (1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C)
  四、1. on 2. past 3. under, at 4. in, up 5. to 6. for 7. behind, down
  五、l. goes 2. went 3. going, going, have 4. having 5. had
  6. have 7. planting 8. watched 9. is reading 10. was
  六、l. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C
  七、1. make noise 2. No littering 3. What does, mean 4. What makes
  5. Did, see any 6. We can move some factories away from our city.
  八、l. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C
  九、student, School, hobbies, reading, photos, does, helps, goes, near, plays
  十、1. × 2. √ 3. × 4. √ 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. D
  9. Jack 10. Cindy 11. difficult 12. in New York
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/659900.html
