

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 小学学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

dUnit 1 In class
  Story time
  1. 略
  2. (1)??B (2)??A (3)??E (4)??C (5)??D
  3. 略
  4. 3 2 4 5 1
  1. 略
  2. a window,a door,close,book
  3. BADC
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  1. a window,a door,close,stand up,sit down, a blackboard
  2. 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. A. 请把书打开。
  B. 我很抱歉。
  C. 刘涛,把窗户关上。
  D. 王兵,坐下。
  3. (1)door (2)your book (3)window
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  我尝试 略
  1. 略
  2. B看黑板。 D萨姆,不要听那只鹦鹉的。
  1. 略
  2. 连线略
  3. B D A C
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  1. b
  2. 球,书,生日,机器人,大的
  3?4 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. ball,birthday,book,robot
  3. window,door,your book,your book
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  我尝试 略
  3. stand up,close,?Wang Bing, please close the window. ?Yes,Mr Green.
  1. 略
  2. open,door,book,close,window,your
  3. (1)这是什么?
  4. B A D C
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 1 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. stand 2. sorry 3. listen 4. robot 5. go 6. ball
  (1?6 C B C B A B)
  二、 1. What's this? It's a robot.
  2. Close the book,please.
  3. Good morning,class. Good morning,Mr Green.
  4. Please open the door. Yes,Mr Green.
  5. Stand up.
  (5 2 1 4 3)
  三、 1. Liu Tao,open the window.
  2. Look at the door,please.
  3. What's this? It's a book.
  4. Bob has two big books.
  (1~4 ×√×√)
  四、 1. book 2. door 3. window 4. rubber
  一、 door,close,window,open
  二、 1?5 C B C A C
  三、 1?5 A A B A A
  四、 1?5 B B A B A
  五、 1?5 C D A E B
  Unit 2 In the library
  Story time
  我尝试 略
  1. 略
  2. shout, eat, run, talk, sleep
  3. C A B
  4. 略
  1. 略
  2. B A B
  3. shout,talk,eat,run,sleep,drink
  4. (1)run (2)talk
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  我尝试 略
  我交流 略
  1. B C A
  2. B A B A
  3. (1)Don't run. (2)Don't shout. (3)Don't sleep.
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  1. D A B C
  2. 略
  1. B A
  1. C A B
  2. E C A B D
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Song time
  1. 略
  2. D B C A
  我交流 略
  1?2 略
  3. (1)please 请 (2)open 打开 (3)book 书
  (4)pencil 铅笔 (5)brown 棕色的 (6)parrot 鹦鹉
  4. B A
  5. talk,sleep,sleep,sleep,talk,talk
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  1. 略
  2. A C B D E
  我交流 略
  1. C D B A
  2. B A B A
  3. D C A B
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 2 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. English 2. library 3. Stand up. 4. drink 5. shout 6. run 7. this 8. sleep
  9. your 10. what
  (1?5 C B A A B 6?10 B A A C A)
  二、 1. Don't talk. 2. Don't eat. 3. Don't run. 4. Don't sleep. 5. Don't shout.
  (1 5 4 3 2)
  三、 1. Don't eat. 2. Sit down. 3. Is this your book? 4. What's that?
  (1?4 A B A B)
  四、 1. Good morning. 2. Is this your book? 3. What's this? 4. Would you like a sweet?
  (1?4 A B A B)
  五、 1. Don't eat my cake.
  2. Don't drink my milk.
  3. Don't talk class.
  一、 1?6 C C C B C
  二、 1?4 B A B A
  三、 1. Don't run. 不要跑。 2. Don't talk. 别讲话。
  3. Don't eat. 不要吃东西。 4. Don't drink. 不要喝饮料。
  四、 1?4 B D A C
  五、 1?5 B A B A C 6?10 A B B A C
  六、 1. Is this your book?
  2. Would you like a sweet?
  3. Please open the door.
  4. Don't eat my cake.
  5. Look at the blackboard.
  Unit 3 Is this your pencil?
  Story time
  我尝试 略
  1. 略
  2. pencil, this, that, it
  3. D A B C
  4. 略
  1. 略
  2. B A B
  3. (1)??B (2)??E (3)?D (4)??A (5)??C
  4. B B B B
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  1. C D F A B E
  2. 略
  我交流 略
  1. (1)C 蜡笔 (2)C 尺子 (3)B 铅笔 (4)C 橡皮 (5)A 书包
  2. (1)一只铅笔 (2)我的橡皮 (3)一只蜡笔 (4)你的书包 (5)这不是我的铅笔。
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  1. B D A C
  2. 略
  1. B A
  2~4 略
  1. B A C
  2. C C C B C
  3. A C B A C
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  1. 略
  2. D C A B
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. C D B A E
  3. red,robot,ruler,rubber
  4. (1)my pencil (2)your ruler (3)一个红色机器人
  (4)在地板上 (5)在那边 (6)在门边
  5. (1)pencil (2)rubber (3)pen (4)ruler (5)crayon
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  1. schoolbag,pencil,ruler,rubber
  2. your pen,isn't,My
  我交流 略
  1. B A A B A
  2. B C B B
  3. B D A E C
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 3 单元测试
  一、 1. that 2. your 3. pencil 4. rubber 5. ruler 6. run 7. where 8. you 9. door 10. lunch
  (1?5 B B B C C 6?10 A C A C A)
  二、 1. It's a pencil.
  2. This is a ruler.
  3. That is a pen.
  4. Is this your schoolbag?
  5. Is that my rubber?
  (3 4 1 5 2)
  三、 1. This is my pencil.
  2. Is that your pen?
  3. This is a rubber.
  4. Where is it?
  (1?4 A B B A)
  四、 1. Is this a ruler?
  2. What's that?
  3. Is that a cake?
  4. This is for you.
  (1?4 A A A B)
  五、 1. This isn't my pencil.
  2. What is it?
  3. That is your ruler.
  (1. my 2. What 3. ruler)
  一、 1?6 C A C C B C
  二、 pencil 铅笔,pen 钢笔,ruler 尺子,lunch box 午餐盒
  三、 B A D C
  四、 B D A C
  五、 1?5 C B B C C
  六、 1. Is this your pencil?
  2. Don't drink my milk.
  3. Where is my lunch box?
  4. Please close the window.
  5. This is my pencil.
  Unit 4 Where’s the bird?
  Story time
  我尝试 略
  1. 略
  2. bird,desk,chair,tree
  3. 连线略
  4. 5 4 1 2 3
  5. 略
  1. 略
  2. F D B A E C
  3. B A
  4. A B
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  1. on,in, behind, under
  2. 略
  1. 略
  2. B
  3. 略
  1. (1)a bird (2)my pencil (3)on the chair (4)behind the door
  2. C B D A E
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  1. B D A C
  2. 略
  1. B B
  2?4 略
  1. B A C
  2. A B
  3. E A B D C
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Song time
  1. 略
  2. B C D A
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. D C E A B
  3. (1)It's in the tree now.
  (2)Where is the bird?
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  1. pencil case, pencil, crayon, ruler, desk, chair, book, rubber, door, schoolbag
  2. Where,bird,It's,chair
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. B A B B
  3. 略
  Unit 4 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. pencil case 2. under 3. desk 4. where 5. shout 6. two 7. in the tree 8. on the desk 9. a pen 10. my pencil
  (1?5 C C B B C 6?10 B B B C B)
  二、 1. My rubber is on the chair.
  2. It's behind the box now.
  3. The bird is in the desk now.
  4. The bird is on the chair.
  5. This is a tree.
  (1?5 ×√√√√)
  三、 1. That is my chair.
  2. Is it in your desk?
  3. How beautiful!
  4. It’s behind the door.
  (1?4 B A B A)
  四、 1. Is that a chair?
  2. Where is the cake?
  3. Where is the bird?
  4. This isn't my pencil.
  (1?4 A B B B)
  五、 1. Where is the bird?
  2. Now it's under the desk.
  3. Is it in your pencil case?
  (1. bird 2. desk 3. your)
  一、 1?6 A C B C A B
  二、 1. under 在??下面 2. chair 椅子 3. desk 课桌 4. bird 鸟
  三、 1?5 C C A C C
  四、 1~4 D C B A
  五、 1?5 A D B E C
  六、 1. Where is your pencil?
  2. Is it in your schoolbag?
  3. Here you are.
  4. This is for you,Bobby.
  Project 1 My puppy
  A & B
  5. B A D C E
  3. B D
  1. D A B F C E
  2. A B A A
  3. 略
  脱口秀 略
  1. (1)open the door (2)your book
  (3)under the chair (4)in the box
  2?3 略
  我交流 略
  1. (1)open (2)run (3)ruler/rubber/robot (4)box,desk
  2. B A B A
  3. A C B A A
  4. B F A C E D
  5. 略
  脱口秀 略
  1. D F N;E H M;C G I L;K;A J;B
  我交流 略
  1. ruler 尺子,bird 鸟,pencil 铅笔,box 盒子,book 书,run 跑步
  2. D C A E G B F
  3. B C A D E
  脱口秀 略
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. pen 2. book 3. milk 4. box 5. tree 6. bird
  (1. pen 2. book 3. milk 4. box 5. bird)
  二、 1. ball 2. come in 3. shout 4. here 5. tree
  (1?5 B C B B A)
  三、 1. It's a robot. 2. Don't eat my cake. 3. It's not here. 4. This isn't my rubber.
  (1?4 B A A B)
  一、 open 打开,pencil 铅笔,behind 在??后面,chair 椅子,ruler 尺子,run 跑步
  二、 1~5 B C A D E
  三、 1. Please close the door.
  2. Where is the bird?
  3. Is that a pencil?
  4. The chair is behind the door.
  四、1. B C H 2. A D 3. E G 4. J I 5. F
  Unit 5 How old are you?
  Story time
  1. B A B
  2. 略
  1. 略
  2. E A B C D
  3. B A C
  4. B C C
  5. B C A
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  1. ten,seven,six,three
  2. 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. ten,nine,eight,three
  3. B B A
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  1. C D A E B
  2. 略
  1. 略
  2. B B A A
  3. 略
  1. 略
  2. (1)It's time for the cake.
  (2)I want a toy car.
  3. B A D C E F
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  我尝试 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. D C B E A
  3. one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten
  4. C C C C C
  5. B A B
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  1~3 C A B
  我交流 略
  1. one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten
  2. A B A A
  3. C A B
  4. C A B D
  5. (2)(3)(1)
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 5 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. open 2. over 3. five 4. three 5. eight 6. there 7. sleep 8. make 9. in
  10. milk
  (1?5 B C A A C 6?10 A B A C C)
  二、 1. nine 2. six 3. shout 4. talk 5. seven 6. behind the box 7. under the box
  8. close the book
  (4 3 7 6 8 2 1 5)
  三、 1. I'm nine.
  2. How old are you?
  3. It's under the box.
  4. What a nice cake!
  (1?4 B A B A)
  四、 1. How old are you?
  2. Would you like a cake?
  3. Where's your pen?
  4. Is that a pencil?
  (1?4 B B A A)
  一、 1. two 2. four,six 3. seven,nine
  二、 1. Is that your crayon?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Where is your pencil?
  4. It is in the tree.
  5. I want a cake.
  三、 1?4 B A D C
  四、 1?5 A C A A C
  五、 1. 多大 2. 在那儿 3. 在课上 4. your book 5. under the desk
  六、 1?5 C E D B A
  七、 1 3 2 5 4 6
  八、 3 5 2 4 1
  九、 1?5 A E B D C
  Unit 6 What time is it?
  Story time
  我尝试 略
  2. nine o'clock
  3. C A B
  4. 略
  1. 略
  2. A B B
  3. (1)bed (2)dinner (3)eleven
  4. 略
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  我尝试 略
  我交流 略
  A C D B
  脱口秀C B A D
  Cartoon time
  我尝试 略
  1. eight
  2. 略
  3. B A
  3. C A D B
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  我尝试 略
  3. B C D A
  1. 略
  2. A B B
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  我尝试 略
  2. 略
  1. 上句,下句
  2. bed,eleven,twelve
  脱口秀 It's ? o'clock ...
  Unit 6 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. lunch 2. twelve 3. bag 4. morning 5. eleven
  (1. lunch 2. twelve 3. bag 4. morning 5. eleven)
  二、 1. A: What time is it?
  B: It's nine o'clock.
  2. It's time for breakfast.
  3. Wake up,please.
  4. It's time for dinner.
  (1?4 )
  三、 1. six 2. twelve 3. dinner 4. lunch
  (1~4 B A B A)
  一、 1?5 C B C C C
  二、 1. bag,chair 2. twelve 3. breakfast 4. Hurry up
  三、 1. morning,class 2. time,bed 3. ten,class
  四、 1?4 C A D B
  Unit 7 On the farm
  Story time
  我尝试 略
  1. C
  2. pigs,C,B,pears
  3. 略
  1~2 略
  3. (3) (4) (1) (2)
  4. A B
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  1. 略
  2. an orange, ducks, chickens, apples
  1. 略
  2. (1)What,pear (2)those,apples
  1. 略
  2. (1) Welcome to my farm.
  (2)What are these?
  3. B C D A
  Cartoon time
  我尝试 略
  1. B
  2. 略
  3. Who,farm,pigs/pears
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  1. 略
  2. A
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. A river,C,B farm
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  1. 略
  2. (1)在树下 (2)在农场 (3)这是你吗?
  我交流 略
  1. this,these,that,those
  2. A A
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 7 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. who 2. these 3. those 4. apple 5. orange
  (1. who 2. these 3. those 4. apple 5. orange)
  二、 1. Welcome to my farm.
  2. Look at my pictures.
  3. What are those?
  4. Are these oranges?
  5. That's my sister.
  (1?5 B B B A A)
  三、 1. A: Are these apples?
  B: Yes,they're apples.
  2. A: What are those?
  B: They're cows.
  3. Nice to meet you. Welcome to my farm.
  4. Liu Tao makes ice cream for his mum.
  5. A: Are those apples?
  B: No,they're pears.
  6. A: What are these?
  B: They're pigs.
  一、 数字:1 5 7 10 水果:3 6 9 11 动物:2 4 8 12
  二、 1~5 B B B B A
  三、 1. B C A 2. A B D C
  四、 orange,pear,apple
  五、 1.Is it a duck?
  2. What's that under the tree?
  3. It's time for bed.
  4. Are those apples?
  5. No,they're apples.
  Unit 8 We are twins!
  Story time
  1. 略
  2. 婴儿,双胞胎之一,叔叔,姑母,男孩,女孩,男人,女人
  3. 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. a man,a woman,a boy,a girl
  3. A B B
  4. B D A C
  脱口秀 略
  Fun time
  我尝试 略
  我交流 略
  1. 略
  2. A B
  脱口秀 略
  Cartoon time
  1. 略
  2. B C E F
  我交流 略
  1. B A B
  2. 2 3 1 4
  脱口秀 略
  Sound time & Rhyme time
  1. n
  2. 男人,新的,九,双胞胎之一,妇女
  1. nine,ten,book,pen
  2. 略
  1. 略
  2. C A D B
  3. boy,name,cat
  脱口秀 略
  Checkout time & Ticking time
  我尝试 略
  我交流 略
  1. brother,girl,woman,boy
  2. (1)Who is that boy?
  (2)He is my uncle.
  脱口秀 略
  Unit 8 单元测试
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. mother 2. twelve 3. aunt 4. her 5. woman
  (1?5 C B C B C)
  二、 1. a girl 2. seven o'clock 3. four oranges 4. a boy
  三、 1. Who's that boy?
  2. Is she your mother?
  3. Who's that woman?
  4. Is this your jacket?
  (1?4 A B A A)
  一、 boy,chair,apple,book,seven,girl
  二、 1?4 B C C A
  三、 1?5 B A B B B
  四、 1?5 B E C A D
  Project 2 A magic clock
  A & B
  1. 魔术钟
  2. D B A C
  1. 3 6 1 2 5 4
  2. 略
  1. one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve
  2. door,your,those,close,bird,ruler
  3. B C C B
  4. 5 3 1 4 2
  脱口秀 略
  Revision 1
  1~4 C D A B
  1. B A C
  2. farm 农场,there 那里,they 他们/它们,three 三
  1. B A D C
  2. 3 5 1 2 4
  脱口秀 略
  Revision 2
  1. (1)坐下! (2)不要睡觉。
  (3)在门后面 (4)在文具盒里
  (5)五只奶牛 (6)进来
  2. 数字类:A G J N 人物类:D E K 动物类:B H I L 水果类:C F M
  我交流 略
  1. pear,orange;pencil,pen,schoolbag;two, three,five;girl,man,woman;at,in behind;look,open,close
  2. A G D E F B C H
  3. E C A B D
  脱口秀 略
  口试部分 略
  一、 1. where 2. drink 3. her book 4. in the tree 5. How old are you?
  (1?5 B B C C A)
  二、 1. Where's your pencil? It's on the desk.
  2. What time is it,please? It's seven o'clock. It's time for breakfast.
  3. Is that a cow? No,it isn't.
  4. This robot is for you. Thank you.
  三、 1. Who is she? She's my mother.
  2. It's time for dinner.
  3. What are those? They are rulers.
  4. Open the windows, please.
  (1?4 F T F F)
  一、 window,pencil,desk,eight,bag,orange
  二、 1?5 A B C B B 6?8 C B B
  三、 1?6 A B B B B B
  四、 1?6 C B D E F A
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/659902.html
