

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 小学学习方法 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

  Unit l The lion and the mouse
  Period 1
  A Listen and circle
  1 The lion was big and strong.
  2 The lion in the net was very sad.
  3 The lion and the mouse became good friends.
  4 The lion had no teeth.
  Period 2
  B Listen and choose
  1 Who woke the lion up?
  2 Why did the lion laugh loudly?
  3 How did the two men catch the lion?
  4 How did the lion feel in the net?
  5 Did the mouse help the lion?
  Period 3
  B Listen and judge
  It was the Lantern Festival last Saturday. Bobby had a wonderful time. He got up early. Then, he went to Sam's home. They made a rabbit lantern together. After lunch, they went to the park with their friends. There was a lantern show. They saw a lot of beautiful lanterns. Bobby went home at four o'clock. After dinner, his father lighted some fireworks. They were so beautiful. Bobby liked them very much.
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  M: You look sad, dear.
  B: Yes, Daddy, I’m hungry. I don't know how to find food.
  M: Don't worry. Let me show you. Run fast, jump high, shout loudly and bite the trees with your teeth.
  B: OK.
  M: All these can make you strong. Then, you can go out and find food.
  B: Sounds great. Thank you, Daddy.
  Unit 2 Good habits
  Period 1
  A Listen and circle
  1 Helen's bedroom is tidy.
  2 Liu Tao always gets up late.
  3 Wang Bing does his homework carefully.
  4 Liu Tao listens to his teachers at school.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  Yang Ling usually gets up at seven o'clock. Then, she brushes her teeth and washes quickly. She has four lessons in the morning. She listens carefully in class. She has lunch at school. At four o'clock, she walks home. She does her homework first. Then, she helps her mother in the kitchen. She goes to bed at nine o'clock.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 Do you come to school early?
  2 Who went to bed late last night, Mike or Helen?
  3 Are the horses running fast?
  4 Did you put the books and toys in order?
  5 When do you have breakfast every day?
  Period 4
  B Listen and tick
  Bill gets up early every morning. Then, he brushes his teeth. He does not have breakfast because he does not feel hungry. He lives near school, so he walks to school and gets to school early. He listens to his teachers in class. He does his homework carefully after school. He often helps his parents at home. He likes reading very much. He does not like sport. He cannot run fast or play ball games well.
  Unit 3 A healthy diet
  Period 1
  A Listen and tick
  Mike has some bread and milk for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, he has a lot of rice, some fish and some meat. Yang Ling often has a lot of noodles for breakfast. She sometimes eats an egg too. For lunch and dinner, she eats some meat and some vegetables. She only eats a little rice.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  1 I have a hamburger and a big glass of cola for dinner.
  2 Jim eats an egg every day.
  3 Kevin eats ten sweets at a time.
  4 Liu Tao eats a lot of meat for lunch and dinner.
  5 Helen eats an apple a day.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  Steve is a tall and fat boy. He does not have breakfast because he often gets up late. He likes eating fast food. He usually has a hamburger, some chips, an apple pie and a glass of cola for lunch. He likes sweet food too. He eats a lot of sweets and ice cream at a time. He often has snacks before dinner.
  1 Does Steve have breakfast?
  2 What does Steve like eating?
  3 What does Steve usually have for lunch?
  4 How many sweets does Steve eat at a time?
  5 Does Steve have a healthy diet?
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  To keep healthy, we should have a healthy diet. We should have a lot of vegetables and fruit. They have a lot of vitamins and help keep us healthy and strong. We can have some meat and fish for our meals, but we cannot eat too much. Cola and many other soft drinks are usually too sweet. We should not drink too much either. We should drink a lot of water. Cakes and ice cream are yummy food, but we should eat a little at a time.
  Unit 4 Road safety
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 There are many busy roads in the city.
  2 To cross the road safely, you must look for a zebra crossing first.
  3 We must look at the traffic lights.
  4 We must wait for the green light on the pavement.
  5 We can cross the road with other people.
  6 We must not play on the road because there are a lot of cars and bikes.
  Period 2
  B Listen and circle
  1 Here's the green man. Please cross the road.
  2 You must look for a zebra crossing.
  3 This is a busy road.
  4 We mustn't turn right here.
  5 You can wait on the pavement.
  6 You can't park your car here.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 A: Stop, Tim!
  B: What's the matter?
  A: Look. There's a red man.
  B: Oh, I see. We must wait for the green man.
  Q: What are they doing?
  2 A: Anna, do drivers drive on the right side of the road in Hong Kong?
  B: No. They drive on the left side.
  Q: Do drivers drive on the left side of the road in Hong Kong?
  3 A: Mum, there's a green light. Why do you stop here?
  B: Look, Tim. A dog is crossing the road.
  A: We must wait and let it go first.
  B: Right!
  Q: Is there a red light now?
  4 W1: How do you go to school, Miss Ma?
  W2: I usually drive to school. How about you, Miss Zhang?
  W1: I walk to school every day because I live near school.
  Q: How does Miss Zhang go to school?
  5 A: Dad, there are no traffic lights here. How can we cross the street?
  B: We must first look left, then right and then left again.
  A: OK. Let's cross the street together.
  B: You're so clever.
  Q: Are there any traffic lights in this street?
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  Hello, boys and girls. I'm Officer Yang. I'm a traffic policeman. Now I’d like to tell you some traffic rules. Listen carefully, please. You must cross a road or a street at the zebra crossing. You must look out for cars. You must look left, then look right and then look left again. When you see the green man, you can go. You should walk quickly. You mustn't ride a bike or play on the zebra crossing.
  Unit 5 A party
  Period 1
  A Listen and match
  1 A: Is Su Hai going to bring any toys to the party?
  B: Yes, she is.
  2 A: What's Wang Bing going to bring to the party?
  B: He's going to bring some balloons.
  3 Liu Tao is going to bring some snacks and drinks to the party.
  4 A: Is Yang Ling going to buy any flowers?
  B: No. She's going to buy some fruit.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  1 Tim is reading a book in the park.
  2 Helen is going to draw a picture.
  3 A: What's Wang Bing going to do after school?
  B: He's going to play basketball.
  4 Su Hai and Su Yang are going to swim this Sunday afternoon.
  Period 3
  B Listen and choose
  1 They are going to have the party at Sam's house.
  Q: Where are they going to have the party?
  2 G: I'm going to bring some snacks to the party. What about you, Mike?
  B: I'm going to bring some drinks.
  Q: What is Mike going to bring to the party?
  3 The party is going to begin at four thirty.
  Q: When should we arrive?
  4 Mr Green has a headache. He can't go to the party this evening.
  Q: Is Mr Green going to the party this evening?
  5 B: Look, Helen. These flowers are beautiful.
  G: Yes. They're Nancy's.
  Q: Whose flowers are they?
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  Christmas is coming. There is going to be a party at school on Saturday evening. Yang Ling is going to bring some toys to the party. Nancy is going to bring some sweets. Liu Tao is going to bring some fruit. Mike cannot come to the party because he is going to visit his grandparents in the UK. He is coming back after New Year's Day.
  Unit 6 An interesting country
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 I like Australian football games very much.
  2 Mike is chatting with his e-friend on the Internet.
  3 Yang Ling will look for some books in the library after school.
  4 You will find kangaroos in Australia.
  5 Sydney is a beautiful city.
  6 Koalas live in trees.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  People in the UK do not talk very much on the bus or underground. They usually sit quietly and look out of the window. They sometimes read books and newspapers. When they talk, they often talk about the weather. They have a lot to say about this topic. To be friendly, you can say, “It's a lovely day!”
  Period 3
  B Listen and write
  Football is the most popular sport in the US. People usually call it American football. It is different from the football in the UK. In American football, each team has 11 players. They play with an oval ball. It looks like an egg. Players can kick, throw and even run with the ball. It is a very exciting sport. Many children also love it very much.
  Period 4
  B Listen and judge
  It is Friday afternoon. Miss Li and her students are in the classroom. They are talking about their plans for the weekend. Yang Ling will have a piano lesson on Saturday morning. Nancy will go to the museum with Helen on Saturday afternoon. Mike and Tim will go to the park to draw pictures on Sunday morning. They both like drawing. Wang Bing and Liu Tao will have a football match on Sunday afternoon. Miss Li will go to watch the match.
  Unit 7 Summer holiday plans
  Period 1
  A Listen and number
  1 Sydney is a big city in Australia.
  2 I will go to Shanghai this weekend. It is a beautiful city.
  3 You will find Big Ben in London.
  4 You will find Tian'anmen Square in Beijing.
  5 Su Hai will go to Disneyland in Hong Kong.
  6 Nancy comes from the US.
  Period 2
  B Listen and judge
  1 My family will go to Hong kong for Chinese New Year.
  2 Miss Li will go to Paris for the summer holiday.
  3 You will find the London Eye in the UK.
  4 Mr Green went to Beijing and visited the Great Wall last summer.
  5 My family will go to Sanya for the National Day holiday.
  6 I will stay in Taipei for two weeks.
  Period 3
  B Listen and judge
  It is Sunday. Yang Ling gets up early. She will go to the library with her friend Helen in the morning. They will look for some books about animals of Australia. They will go by bus. After lunch, Yang Ling will have a piano lesson. Then, she will go to the supermarket with her parents. They will buy some fruit and vegetables for the next week. After that, they will go to a restaurant for dinner. They will eat some seafood. They all like seafood very much.
  Period 4
  B Listen and write
  1 A: What will you do this Sunday?
  B: I'll visit my grandparents. They live on a farm. I'll go and help them.
  2 It was Saturday morning. Mr and Mrs Green went to a new shopping centre by car. They bought a lot of things. On their way home, they lost their way. Mr Green asked an old woman, “Excuse me, where am I now?” The old woman looked at Mr Green and the car and said, “You're in your car, sir.”
  Unit 8 Our dreams
  Period 1
  A Listen and circle
  1 My father is a dentist.
  2 Yang Ling wants to be a pianist.
  3 Mrs Zhang is a nurse. She is very busy every day.
  4 Li Xiang likes playing basketball. He wants to be a basketball player.
  5 Mr Huang is a bus driver. He goes to work very early.
  6 Wang Fang is a policewoman. She wants to help people.
  Period 2
  B Listen and match
  1 A: What do you want to be in the future, Bobby?
  B: I want to be a cook. I can cook nice food for my family.
  2 A: I want to be a doctor. What about you, Tim?
  B: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach students Science.
  3 Emily wants to be a policewoman.
  4 Su Yang likes helping people. She wants to be a nurse.
  Period 3
  B Listen and judge
  The children are talking about their dreams. Sandy likes painting. She has some painting lessons every week. She wants to be an artist. Mary likes dancing. She can dance beautifully. She wants to be a dancer. Tom is good at sport. He likes playing football. He wants to be a football player. Danny wants to be a policeman. He thinks policemen are cool. He likes films about policemen.
  Period 4
  B Listen and choose
  1 A: I want to be an artist in the future. What do you want to be, Tim?
  B: I want to be an astronaut.
  Q: What does Tim want to be?
  2 A: What do you like, Benny?
  B: I like playing football.
  A: Do you want to be a football player in the future?
  B: Yes. I want to play in the World Cup.
  Q: What is Benny's dream?
  3 B1: Do you like playing table tennis, Mike?
  B2: No, I don't. I like playing basketball. How about you, Liu Tao?
  B1: I like playing football.
  Q: What does Mike like doing?
  4 A: Billy likes eating. He wants to be a cook. What do you want to be, Willy?
  B: I like eating too, but I don't want to be a cook. I want to be a scientist.
  Q: Does Willy want to be a cook?
  5 G1: Where will you go this summer holiday, Nancy?
  G2: I'll go to Hangzhou. What about you, Yang Ling?
  G1: I'll go to Beijing with my parents.
  Q: Who will go to Hangzhou this summer holiday?
  Test for Unit 1
  A Listen and circle
  1 The mouse is small and weak.
  2 Please don't talk loudly in the library.
  3 The baby often bites his fingers.
  4 The mouse helped the lion get out of the net.
  5 The rabbit walked by and woke the tiger up.
  B Listen and choose
  1 Where are you going?
  2 What did you do last weekend?
  3 Let's go and cheer for Mike.
  4 Where is the ball?
  5 Please sing loudly, boys.
  C Listen and choose
  1 A: Can you swim, Liu Tao?
  B: No, I can't. My friend Mike can.
  Q: Who can swim?
  2 A: Do you like playing basketball, Frank?
  B: No, I don't.
  A: What do you like doing?
  B: I like playing football. I'm good at it.
  Q: Does Frank play football well?
  3 B1: Did you watch TV last night, Tim?
  B2: No. I made a card for my mother. Today is her birthday.
  Q: What did Tim do for his mother?
  4 A: Look at the grapes on the vine, Sam. Can you pick some for me?
  B: Sorry, Bobby. They're so high. I can't reach them.
  Q: Can Bobby eat the grapes?
  5 A: What does your uncle do, Wang Bing?
  B: He's a farmer. He grows vegetables and flowers.
  A: Is your aunt a farmer too?
  B: No. She's a teacher. She teaches Music.
  Q: What does Wang Bing's aunt do?
  D Listen and write
  Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily. They are both good at it. Billy and Willy are cheering for them loudly. Sam is very excited. He hits the ball hard. Then, they cannot find the ball. The ball drops into a hole. Sam pours some water into the hole. They get their ball back.
  Test for Unit 2
  A Listen and circle
  1 I never watch TV late at night.
  2 How messy your room is!
  3 We should finish our homework early.
  4 Please listen to Miss Li carefully.
  5 Mike always brushes his teeth before bedtime.
  B Listen and choose
  1 Do you go to school early in the morning?
  2 When does Wang Bing go to bed?
  3 Would you like some juice?
  4 Did Liu Tao go to bed late last night?
  5 Please put your books in order.
  C Listen and choose
  1 A: Do you go to bed early, Liu Tao?
  B: No, I don’t. My friend Wang Bing does.
  Q: Who goes to bed early?
  2 A: Does Li Qiang run fast?
  B: No, he’s not good at running, but he jumps very high.
  Q: Does Li Qiang jump high?
  3 A: Wow, your room is so clean and tidy, Yang Ling. That’s a good habit.
  B: Thanks. My mother often tells me to put my things in order.
  Q: What habit does Yang Ling have?
  4 A: Wake up, Mike.
  B: Sorry, Miss Li.
  A: Did you go to bed late last night?
  B: Yes. I watched a football game.
  Q: Where is Mike now?
  5 A: What time did you get to school today, Su Yang?
  B: At seven forty, but I usually get to school at seven thirty.
  Q: What time did Su Yang get to school today?
  D Listen and write
  Liu Tao has some good habits and some bad habits. He always gets up and goes to school early. He does well at school. He listens to his teachers carefully in class. He is quiet in the library. But he does his homework late. He usually finishes his homework at ten at night. He often feels sleepy in the morning.
  Test for Unit 3
  A Listen and circle
  1 He has a few eggs every week.
  2 Helen drinks a little milk for breakfast.
  3 He often eats a lot of bread every day.
  4 Mike likes eating rice.
  5 He likes eating mangoes very much.
  6 We should not drink too much cola.
  B Listen and choose
  1 Do Chinese people often have some porridge for breakfast?
  2 Is there any juice in the fridge?
  3 What did you have for lunch?
  4 Is milk good for our health?
  5 Should we drink a lot of water every day?
  6 Would you like some ice cream?
  C Listen and judge
  Wang Bing has a healthy diet. For breakfast, he always has some bread, some porridge and an egg. He has lunch at school. He usually has some rice, some meat and a lot of vegetables. He likes eating carrots and tomatoes. He likes eating fruit too. He often has an apple or a banana between lunch and dinner. He does not eat a lot for dinner. He usually has some rice, some vegetables and some soup.
  D Listen and write
  Peter always has some milk and bread for breakfast. He usually has a little rice, some chicken and some vegetable soup for lunch. He has some noodles, some fish and some vegetables for dinner. He eats an apple every day. He likes fruit very much.
  Test for Unit 4
  A Listen and circle
  1 Please don't park your car on the pavement, sir.
  2 Wang Bing is wearing a red shirt. You can see him easily.
  3 The children safely crossed the street.
  4 Turn left at the first crossing, Liu Tao.
  5 We must follow the rules at school.
  6 You should look out for cars and bikes on the road.
  B Listen and choose
  1 Why does the bus stop here, Dad?
  2 Can I watch TV after dinner?
  3 How do we get to the farm?
  4 You mustn't play football in the classroom, Liu Tao.
  5 What must we do in the library?
  6 Must drivers look at the traffic lights?
  C Listen and judge
  To stay safe on the road, we must follow the traffic rules. We must use the zebra crossing to cross the road. We must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green light. When there is no zebra crossing, we must look out for cars and bikes. We must look left, then right and then left again. In the UK, the traffic rules are different. Drivers drive on the left side of the road, so we must look right first, then left and then right again.
  D Listen and write
  There are many rules in our school. We must get to school on time. We must wear school uniforms. We must not eat or drink in class. We must keep the classroom clean and tidy, so we must clean the classroom every day. We must not play ball games in the classroom. We must follow these school rules.
  Mid-term test
  D Listen and circle
  1 I have a healthy diet.
  2 Chinese people like to have porridge for breakfast.
  3 It is not safe to run on the road.
  4 The fish is so heavy.
  5 The baby is crying sadly.
  6 We must follow the rules.
  7 There are a few apples in the fridge.
  8 Don't play on the road.
  9 Mike is looking for his bag.
  10 He always plays ball games after school.
  E Listen and choose
  1 Can I watch TV before dinner, Mum?
  2 What must we do on the road?
  3 What is good for our health?
  4 Why don't you go to school today?
  5 Please keep your desk clean.
  F Listen and choose
  1 A: Did you have any fruit for lunch, Liu Tao?
  B: No, I didn't. I had a lot of noodles and some meat.
  Q: What did Liu Tao have for lunch?
  2 B: Can I watch TV now, Dad? I finished my homework.
  M: It's late, Mike. You should go to bed now.
  Q: What should Mike do now?
  3 A: Look. Wang Bing is running fast. .
  B: Yes, he's good at it. He plays basketball well too.
  Q: What is Wang Bing good at?
  4 B1: Hurry up, Sam.
  B2: Look. There's a red man.
  B1: Oh, let's wait for the green man.
  Q: Can Bobby and Sam go now?
  5 A: Wake up, Liu Tao. It's time for school.
  B: I feel cold, Mum.
  A: Oh, you have a fever. Let's go to the hospital.
  Q: Where is Liu Tao now?
  G Listen and write
  Su Yang and Su Hai are twin sisters. They are good girls. They have many good habits. They get up early and they always eat breakfast. They like eating vegetables and fruit. They put their things in order and keep their room clean. They do well at school. They are good at English. They both like swimming. They always look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. They never go to bed late. They also help each other.
  Test for Unit 5
  A Listen and circle
  1 Make a wish, Tim.
  2 I like this blue shirt very much.
  3 We had great fun at the party.
  4 Did you bring a gift for Miss Li?
  5 There was a lot of rain last summer.
  6 I am going to dance at the party.
  B Listen and number
  1 G: Today is my mother's birthday. We are having a party now.
  2 G: What do you do at weekends?
  B: I often watch cartoons on TV at home.
  3 A: Are the children playing computer games?
  B: No. They're watching an interesting film.
  4 G: What do you like doing?
  B: I like playing basketball.
  5 A: What's Tim going to do this afternoon?
  B: He's going to play with his cousin Jim. .
  6 B: I like climbing mountains. I often go climbing with my parents.
  C Listen and judge
  The weekend is coming. My family are going fishing this Saturday. We all like fishing very much. We all like eating fish too because it is good for our health. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to watch a film. Then, we are going to have dinner at a restaurant. We are going to eat some dumplings. I am excited about the weekend.
  D Listen and write
  There is going to be a party at Mary's house this Sunday. Her friends are coming to the party. Jack is going to bring some balloons to the party. Danny is going to bring some snacks. Sue is going to bring a big cake. Tom is going to bring some fruit. He is going to make a fruit salad.
  Test for Unit 6
  A Listen and number
  1 Australia is an interesting country. I will go there this Christmas.
  2 My grandpa usually reads newspapers after dinner.
  3 Su Hai and her father are buying snacks and drinks at the supermarket.
  4 Anna is writing an email to Su Hai.
  5 You should take a gift when you go to a Western party.
  6 Sydney is a beautiful city.
  B Listen and circle
  1 I have an Australian e-friend.
  2 I will read this story on the Internet.
  3 Australian football games are really exciting.
  4 Spring is a rainy season in Shanghai.
  5 My friend sent me some photos.
  C Listen and judge
  Singapore is a small island country. There are sixty-three islands in Singapore. Singapore is also a beautiful garden city. It is warm and wet through the year. The temperature is usually around twenty to thirty-five degrees. People in Singapore speak English, Malay and Chinese. Every July, there is a food festival in Singapore. Many people like to go to Singapore in this month because they can eat a lot of delicious food.
  D Listen and write
  France is a country in Europe. Paris is its capital city. It is a beautiful city. There are a lot of interesting places to see. You will find the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and Disneyland there. The River Seine runs through the city. France is famous for its fashion and food. It also has one of the fastest trains in the world. The national flag of France has three colours. They are red, white and blue. People speak French in France.
  Test for Unit 7
  A Listen and number
  1 Mike will go back to the UK to see his grandparents this month.
  2 I like Disneyland very much. I had great fun there last summer holiday.
  3 Yang Ling showed us some photos of the Great Wall.
  4 Sydney is a great city. I like it very much.
  5 My father will go to Beijing by plane next week.
  6 I had a good time in Taipei.
  B Listen and circle
  1 Anna will go back to Hong Kong next week.
  2 Miss Li will have a lot of work to do after the holiday.
  3 Nancy will travel around the UK this summer.
  4 My mother wanted to take a bus to the supermarket.
  5 They are talking about their plans for the holiday.
  6 Liu Tao wants to visit many countries.
  C Listen and choose
  1 Where are your parents going?
  2 What time do you usually go to bed?
  3 Will your friends go climbing this weekend?
  4 Would you like to go to the party with us?
  5 What will Tom do this evening?
  D Listen and write
  Children in the US have colourful weekends. They do not have much homework, but they have a lot to learn at weekends. They learn to swim, play basketball, baseball and football. They also learn to play the piano, dance and paint. At home, they help their parents do some housework. They wash the dishes and clean the car. They work in the garden too. They take care of the grass and the plants. Sometimes, they even do part-time jobs at weekends. They sell drinks or newspapers in the street. They are busy at weekends, but they learn a lot.
  Test for Unit 8
  A Listen and number
  1 Bobby wants to be a scientist in the future.
  2 Su Hai likes dancing. She has dancing lessons every week.
  3 Mr Lin is a dentist.
  4 Miss Chen is a great basketball player. She often plays in matches.
  5 Mrs White is not good at driving. She drives very slowly. .
  6 Yang Ling plays the piano very well. She wants to be a pianist.
  B Listen and circle
  1 I learn to dance after school.
  2 I want to travel around the world in the future.
  3 Mike is good at Science.
  4 People eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.
  5 Fruit and vegetables are good for our health.
  6 My dream will come true some day.
  C Listen and choose
  1 What does she want to be?
  2 Does Bobby want to be a traveller?
  3 Nancy is good at writing. What does she want to do?
  4 When will Mike go back to the UK?
  5 What did you do last Sunday?
  D Listen and write
  Ross is sixteen years old. He likes painting very much and he wants to be an artist in the future. He plans to have some painting lessons in the summer holiday. To get some money for the lessons, he now works in a fast-food restaurant after school and at weekends. He does the cleaning and washes the dishes. He works very hard. He likes the job because it will help make his dream come true.
  Final test
  D Listen and choose
  1 Nancy only drinks a little milk for her breakfast.
  2 There is a clown with a lot of balloons at the shopping centre.
  3 Tim cannot play football very well.
  4 The girls cheer for Mike and Liu Tao loudly.
  5 How can we cross the road safely?
  E Listen and judge
  1 The children are playing basketball on the road.
  2 Lily wants to be a teacher in the future.
  3 John can sing well.
  4 He is going to the library on Sunday afternoon.
  5 Lizzy makes her bed every morning.
  6 Bobby goes to school by bus every day.
  F Listen and choose
  1 Mr Wu had a busy day yesterday.
  2 He walked to school today.
  3 Mr Brown comes from the UK.
  4 Mary is not good at swimming.
  5 Did you have a good time in China?
  G Listen and write
  A good place can help us do our homework well and fast. The living room is not a good place to do our homework because it is usually noisy. It is a place for rest, not for work. We should find a quiet room, like our bedroom. A quiet place can help us think quickly and learn well. Before we begin to do our homework, we should clean our desk and put things in order. A clean and tidy desk can make us feel good.
  Answer key
  Unit 1
  Period 1
  A 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b
  B 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
  C was, large/big, strong, wanted, help, weak, let, caught, bit, saw, made, got, became
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a
  C 1 f 2 9 3 d 4 b 5 c 6 h 7 a 8 e
  D happy, good, well, loudly, sadly, happy
  E help, happened, caught, worry, bite, made, get, out
  F 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
  C 1 excitedly 2 loudly 3 visited, was 4 did, get 5 sadly, find
  D a 4 b 2 c l d 3
  E 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 c
  Period 4
  A 略
  B sad, hungry, fast, high, loudly, bite, strong, great
  C 1 e 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 d
  D 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b
  E 1 singing, happily 2 talk, loudly, library
  3 poured, hot, water, into, gave 4 From, then, on, became, friends
  F 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T
  Unit 2
  Period 1
  A 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a
  B 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
  C good, listens, clean, tidy, helps, bad, late, bed, sleepy
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
  C 1 early 2 tidy 3 fast 4 sleepy 5 in order
  D Wake, sleepy, late, exciting, early
  E 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b
  C 1 Does, play, well, he, does 2 Does, go, early, gets, early
  3 every, morning, a, good, habit 4 is, putting, in, order, bedroom
  5 showed, us, around
  D 1 for horse short sport
  2 took football book good
  3 thirsty birthday hurt dirty
  E 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 b
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1 4 5 6
  C 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 b 8 b
  D 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F
  E 略
  Unit 3
  Period 1
  Breakfast breadmilk noodleseggs
  Yang Ling√ √
  Lunch & dinnermeatvegetables rice fish
  Mike√√ √
  Yang Ling√√√
  B 1 × 2 √ 3 × 4√ 5 × 6 √
  C 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 × 2 √ 3 × 4 × 5 √
  C 1 a lot of 2 some 3 some 4 a little 5 a few
  D 1 potatoes 2 water 3 tomatoes 4 milk 5 juice
  E 1 a little sweet food
  2 some meat, eggs and milk
  3 a lot of fruit and vegetables
  4 a lot of rice, noodles and bread
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 a
  C 1 flower now how mouth
  2 know slow row coat
  3 brush country cut but
  D 1 noodles, me 2 apples, some 3 some
  4 too, much, meat, some, rice 5 healthy, diet
  E 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c
  Period 4
  A 略
  B healthy, fruit, strong, meat, fish, much, sweet, water, ice, cream, little
  C 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 a
  D 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a
  E 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5a 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 b 10 a
  Unit 4
  Period 1
  A a 2 b 6 c 5 d 3 e 1 f 4
  B 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a
  C 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b
  C 1 Can, mustn't 2 can 3 can 4 mustn't
  D 1 mustn't/shouldn't/can't 2 can
  3 mustn't, walk, quickly 4 mustn't, run, skate
  E follow, look, for, wait, lights, cars, bikes, left, right, left, with
  F 1 b 2 c 3 c 4 c
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 a
  C 略
  D 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c
  E 2 1 3 7 5 6 4
  F 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T
  Period 4
  A 略
  B policeman, rules, carefully, road, street, look, right, green, quickly, play
  C 1 Can, can't 2 must, must 3 Must, must
  D 1 can't/shouldn't/mustn't walk
  2 in the library/on the metro/in a bookshop; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't eat or drink there
  3 in the street/on the road; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't turn left
  4 in the library/reading room; we can't/shouldn't/mustn't talk loudly there
  E five, thirty, play, football, sign, can't/mustn't/shouldn't, after
  F 略
  Unit 5
  Period 1
  A 1 b 2 a 3d 4 c
  B 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c
  C 2 4 3 1
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T
  C party, Sunday, snacks, drinks, fruit, toys, clown, balloons
  D 1 draw 2 having 3 bring 4 are, clean 5 meet 6 play, safe
  E 1 watching 2 is singing 3 to go, him 4 toys 5 quickly
  F 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 a
  C 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a
  D 4 1 3 5 2
  E do, visit, How, metro, live, next, buy, books, meet
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F
  C 1 going, to, party 2 What, going, to, do, at
  3 is, going, to, tell 4 Who, is, buy, snacks
  5 children, going, to, Christmas, at, Nancy’s
  D 1 What, to, do 2 is, not, any 3 Where, you
  4 Are, they, No, aren't 5 What, time, does, begin
  E 1 They are talking about their summer holiday plans.
  2 She is going to Qingdao.
  3 Nancy is.
  4 They are going to have a party.
  5 On the twenty-fifth of August.
  Unit 6
  Period 1
  A a l b 3 c 4 d 6 e 2 f 5
  B 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 a
  C l before 2 comes, from 3 look, for, magazines
  4 Australian, football, exciting 5 visitors
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F
  C 1 will go, wants, to find 2 comes, Australia, Australian
  3 excited 4 be, are reading 5 visit
  D 2 5 1 6 3 4
  E 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 a
  Period 3
  A 略
  B Football, US, UK, 11/eleven, egg, run, exciting, love
  C 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c
  D 1 windy, are flying 2 to come, us 3 help
  4 cloudy 5 be 6 smoking 7 rains
  E l c 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 c
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F
  C l pear hair there pair
  2 hear here ear tear
  D 1 will, tell, Australia 2 will, learn, cooking, Internet
  3 What, will, tomorrow, library 4 wants, to, out
  E 1 It is Saturday.
  2 No, she doesn't.
  3 No, she doesn't.
  4 Because she wants to fly kites tomorrow.
  5 She will watch TV.
  Unit 7
  Period 1
  A a l b 4 c 3 d 5 e 2 f 6
  B 1c 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 c
  C talking, about, plans, go, back, stay, visit, train, family, parents
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T
  C 1 f 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 a 6 e
  D 1 will talk, our 2 will go 3 will be 4 Australian, writes, me
  5 to know, looked
  E 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
  C 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 c
  D 1 are, planning, excited 2 Will, to, play, football
  3 excited, about 4 How, will, take, plane
  5 travel, around
  E works, go, will, visit, take, night, because, show, have
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1 visit, grandparents, farm, help
  2 Saturday, bought, lost, asked, car
  C 1 first he bird 2 father sister teacher
  3 joy enjoy toy 4 doctor box long
  D 1 Where, will, go 2 Will, visit, No, won't
  3 How, long, will 4 some, photos, to, you 5 How, will
  E holiday, will, picnic, second, piano, third, sixth, fourth, fifth, do, homework, film, swimming
  Unit 8
  Period 1
  A 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b
  B 1 talking, dreams 2 dentist, teeth 3 astronaut, Moon
  4 dancing, healthy 5 writer, children
  C 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
  Period 2
  A 略
  B 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d
  C did, make, Making, has, astronaut, future, fly, come
  D 1 asking, his 2 Swimming, makes, healthy
  3 doesn't want 4 playing, player
  5 teacher, study 6 come 7 to be
  E 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b
  Period 3
  A 略
  B 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T
  C 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 b
  D 1 What, do, want, to, be, scientist 2 likes, singing, will, singing
  3 policeman, be, brave 4 to, walk, Moon
  5 Everyone, has
  E summer, want, on, help, excited, sport, basketball, children, piano, also
  Period 4
  A 略
  B 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b
  C 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 e
  D 1 What, do, want, to, be 2 Who, wants
  3 Does, want, Yes, does 4 will, not 5 is, going, to
  E 1 David, Boy, 13/Thirteen, Room 304, Building 6, No.12 Jincheng Road, 528801
  2 Lucy, Girl, 12/Twelve, Room 502, Building 27, No. 258 Beijing Road, 836853
  Test for Unit 1
  A 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a
  B 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a
  C 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 c
  D playing, happily, good, at, for, loudly, excited, hits, hole, water
  E 1 season team 2 ready breakfast
  3 too moon 4 cook look
  F 1 h 2 b 3 g, d 4 e 5 i 6 a 7 c 8 f
  G 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 c 8 b 9 a 10 a
  H a d b c f e
  I animals, playground, running, excitedly, cheering, loudly, first, happy
  J 1 old, slowly 2 high, naughty 3 fast 4 big, strong 5 little
  K 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c
  L 略
  Test for Unit 2
  A 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c
  B 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c
  C 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a
  D good, bad, goes, early, well, listens, quiet, late, ten, sleepy
  E 1 work world 2 short forty
  3 have habit 4 last ask
  F 1 g 2 c 3 e 4 h 5 b 6 d 7 f 8 i 9 a
  G 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 b
  H 1 clean and tidy 2 brush my teeth 3 gets up early
  4 looks sleepy 5 before dinner 6 got to school
  7 on the floor 8 puts her things in order
  I 1 g 2 e 3 c 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 h 8 f
  J student, early, lessons, afternoon, homework, has, dinner, After, plays, reading
  K I F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F
  L 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 a
  M 略
  Test for Unit 3
  A 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a
  B 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a
  C 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F
  D milk, bread, little, lunch, noodles, fish, eats, likes
  E lot, rice, fruit, water, some, fish, few, eat, much, teeth
  F 1 a lot of, some 2 a few, grapes 3 a lot of
  4 a lot of 5 are, tomatoes 6 any, some
  G 1 a 2 c 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 c 10 a
  H 1 like eating sweets 2 drinks/has some tea
  3 eat a lot of vegetables 4 drink/have too much cola
  5 eats/has a lot of ice cream at a time
  Mike Wang Bing
  Breakfastcereal with milksome porridge, an egg
  Luncha hamburger, some chips, anapple pie, a glass of colasome rice, some chicken, somevegetable soup
  Dinnersome pizza, a cake, a glass ofjuice, some ice creamsome rice, some steamed fish,some vegetables, an apple
  J 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F
  K 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c
  L 略
  Test for Unit 4
  A 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c
  B 1 a 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b
  C 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
  D many, get, wear, eat, drink, keep, clean, ball
  E 1 safely 2 mustn't, safe 3 safety 4 easy 5 easily 6 Can, can't 7 Must
  F c, d, b, e, a
  G 1 He's riding a bike on the left side of the street/road.
  He must ride on the right of the street/road.
  2 She's reading.
  No, she shouldn't.
  3 He's crossing the road when there is a red man.
  He should stop and wait for the green light.
  H 1 a 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 h 6 c 7 d 8 g
  I 6 4 2 3 1 5 8 7
  J quiet, clean, loudly, write, draw, drink
  K 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
  L 略
  Mid-term test
  A 略
  B 略
  C 略
  D 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 a 9 b 10 a
  E 1 a 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 a
  F 1 a 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c
  G sisters, girls, breakfast, vegetables, order, well, English, swimming, never, help
  H 1 shout about 2 cousin country
  3 stop cross 4 potato cola
  I 1 g, j 2 e 3 h 4 c, k 5 a 6 d 7 f 8 i 9 b 10 l
  J 1 a 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 b
  K 1 d 2 h 3 f 4 b 5 g 6 c 7 a 8 e
  L 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 c 7 a 8 b 9 a 10 b
  M 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a
  N 略
  Test for Unit 5
  A 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 c
  B a 3 b 5 c l d 6 e 2 f 4
  C 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F
  D Sunday, friends, balloons, snacks, cake, fruit, make, salad
  E 1 pig 2 far 3 make 4 good 5 green
  F 1 at, party 2 bring, from 3 likes, playing
  4 When, have 5 What, putting
  G 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 b
  H 1 bring, from 2 balloons 3 begin 4 buy, snacks, drinks
  5 fun 6 this/tomorrow, play, with 7 soon
  I 1 n 1 f 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 e 6 c
  J 1 What, going 2 doesn't, like 3 are
  4 Spring, favourite 5 like, fruit/snacks
  K 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 a 10 b
  L 1 Tim's birthday is coming this Sunday.
  2 Jim, Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Su Hai and Nancy are coming to the party.
  3 Jim is Tim's best friend.
  4 He is going to make a fruit cake.
  5 He likes toy cars.
  Test for Unit 6
  A a 3 b 6 c 5 d 2 e 1 f 4
  B 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b
  C 1 T 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F
  D country, beautiful, interesting, runs, fashion, food, trains, three, blue
  E 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 No 4 No 5 Yes 6 Yes 7 No 8 Yes 9 Yes 10 No
  F 1 will, ask, friend, Australia 2 will, many, exciting
  3 Do, kangaroos, Yes, do 4 has, fresh, air, view, fair
  5 will, cook, make, potato
  G 1 Who, is 2 When, will 3 will, visit 4 is 5 What, will, do
  H 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 c
  I 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 h 7 j 8 i 9 f 10 g
  J 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 c 8 a 9 a 10 c
  K 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T
  L 略
  Test for Unit 7
  A a 4 b l c 3 d 5 e 6 f 2
  B 1 a 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 a
  C 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c
  D weekends, homework, dance, wash, clean, garden, busy, learn
  E 1 can, plans, National, Japan 2 sunny, summer
  F 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 c 7 c 8 c 9 b
  G 1 talked, about, plans 2 will, go, back
  3 Will, next, week, won't, by, train 4 visited, many, places
  5 interesting, excited, about 6 How, long
  H 1 How, long, did, study 2 What, are, talking, about
  3 Will, go, Yes, will 4 don't, have, same
  5 comes, from 6 will, watch, this/tomorrow
  I 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 d
  J city, visit, train, hot, summer, T-shirts, friend, show, Bund, holiday
  K 1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b
  L 略
  Test for Unit 8
  A a 2 b 6 c 4 d 5 e 3 f 1
  B 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 c
  C 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 c
  D 16/sixteen, artist, summer, restaurant, school, cleaning, dishes, dream
  E 1 Put it on, please.
  2 I looked for it here and there.
  3 Would you like an apple?
  4 Nice to meet you
  5 There is a football under the chair.
  F 1 cooking, cooked 2 writing, writer
  3 are talking 4 does not care
  G 1 will, go, dentist 2 should, careful
  3 asked, about, told, what 4 Walking
  H 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 c 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 a
  I 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 e 5 a
  J teacher, taught, students, asked, before, said, father, laughed, know, because
  K 1 He went to the Space Museum.
  2 He watched a video.
  3 Because there is no gravity in space.
  4 They cannot talk or open their mouths.
  5 They sleep in sleeping bags.
  6 Because he thinks the astronaut's job is interesting.
  L 略
  Final test
  A 略
  B 略
  C 略
  D 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 a
  E 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
  F 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b
  G well, fast, work, quiet, bedroom, quickly, begin, tidy, good
  H 1 No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 No 6 No 7 Yes 8 No 9 No 10 Yes
  I 1 are, going, to, have, party, next 2 never, goes
  3 Australia, an; interesting, country 4 wants, to, to
  5 talking, about, travelling, plans, with
  J 1 traveller, around 2 Will 3 mustn't 4 buy
  5 Australia, English 6 places 7 bit, sharp
  K 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 a
  L 1 is coming, will, give 2 exciting, excited
  3 will go 4 won't
  5 is asking 6 writer, writing
  M 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 c 10 c
  N 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
  O 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/659921.html
