
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

一 重要语法点:

1.情态动词can may must shall should
CAN 表示能力
May 表示请求或许可
Must 表示主观看法意为“必须绝对”
否定形式must not=mustn’t 意为“禁止不许”
Shall 表示征求对方意见意为“好不好,可以”
Should 表示劝告义务, 意为“应该”

1. --- _________ does Tina go to see her grandparents?
--- Once a week.
A. When B. How many C. How often D. Why
2. He is a good student, but _________ he makes mistakes.
A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. often

( )1. ___________you often go to school by bus?
A. Are B. is C. Do D. Does
( )2. --- Are you sure? --- _________.
A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I don't. D. That's right.
( ) 3. ? _______Mr Li ______ Rose Garden School?
- Yes, he is.
A. Is……visiting B. Does……visit
C. Do……visit D. Does……visits
( )4. Beijing is our capital. Have you ________ yet?
A. been to there B. been there C. go to there D. go there
( )5. What do you usually do ________ Sundays?
A. about B. at C. in D. on
( )6. Some boys always _______ computer games very late at night.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
( )7. Simon sometimes _______ his little brother English.
A. teach B. teaches C. taught D. has taught
( )8. John is a good student. He _______ tells a lie.
A. always B. often C. never D. usually
( )9. This boy is not honest. He _________ lies.
A. never says to B. always tell C. sometimes tells D. usually talk about
( )10. She is an honest girl and never _________ lies.
A. speaks B. says C. talks about D. tells

1. He put up his coat, _________ he?
A. doesn't B. didn't C. did D. does
2. Which place __________ you __________ (visit) yesterday?
3. The firemen _______ a big fire in our housing estate last Monday.
A. put out B. puts out C. puts off D. put down
4. The firemen _________ a big fire last week.
A. put out B. put down C. put on D. put up

1. There __________ a new film on TV tonight.
A. is going to have B. will have
C. is going to be D. has
2. There _______ a class meeting next week.
A. is B. will be C. be D. will
3. Where ______ they ______ their holidays next year?
A. do…spend B. will…spend C. are…spending D. have…spent
4. I _________ a picnic with my friends in the park next week.
A. have B. had C. will have D. a

1. Where have you been______ Beijing?
A. in B. to C. / D. on
2. I have _________ been to Hong Kong. I will go there next week.
A. just B. yet C. already D. never
3. _________ you ever _________ America yet?
A. Have... been to B. Have...gone to C. Have... been in D. Have...gone in
4. -- Why not go to see the dolphin show with me?
-- Because I _________ it.
A. saw B. will see C. see D. have seen
5. My family and I _______ Hangzhou twice.
A. goB. have goC. have gone toD. have going

6. 时态综合练习. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.
1. A: How much __________ (be) two bottles 0forangejuice?
B: Twenty yuan.
2. A: Who usually __________ (catch) fish in the river?
B: The fisherman.
3. John is a good boy and he never __________ (tell) lies.
4. Look, John and Mary __________ (ride) bicycles.
5. They __________ (have) an autumn outing tomorro
6.____________ your father often late for work? (be)
7.Look, it ____________ hard .(rain)

7. 介词的用法
1. Please tell me the story ____________ English.
A. in B. by C. at D. with
2. Let's help ____________ each other and learn ____________ each other.
A. from.., from B. /...from
C. with...from D. with.../
3. Shall we go to __________ U.S.A. __________ next weekend?
A./, / B. the, / C. /, at D. the, at
4. --- What would you like to have _______ dinner?
-- I'd like Io have fried vegetables _______ garlic.
A. for, by B. on, with C. for, with D. on, by
5. Thanksgiving Day is _________ the fourth Thursday of Nov. in America.
A. from B. on C. in D. at
6. Make a birthday card _________ one of your family members.
A. to B. at C. for D. of
7. I usually go shopping with my aunt _________ weekends.
A. at B. by C. in D. for
8. _________ a very cold morning, the boy was born in a poor family.
A. In B. On C. At D. From
9. You can buy some fish _______ the fish stall.
A. for B. in C. at D. on
10. I live far __________ school so I always __________ the underground to school.
A. away, by B. from, take C. away, take D. from, by
11. I want to make a card _______ my teacher on Teachers’ Day.
A. to B. of C. for D. from
12. Let’s meet them _______ the entrance _______ one thirty.
A. at……in B. in……at C. at……at D. in……in

1. __________ can help each other after school.
A. She B. He C. I D. They
2. Miss Guo is a good teacher and she teaches __________ (we) English well.
3. The little girl is crying. Let's go and help ____________. (she)
4. Ben is ______ friend and I love _______ very much.
A. I……he B. I……him C. my……he D. my……him
5. This is a photo of my family and _________. We are visiting the Expo Park,
A. my B. mine C. me D. I
6. Now they are introducing ____________ to the foreign friends. (they)
7.Look, this is a photo of his family and _______ (he).
8.Miss Chen teaches _________ Maths this term. (they)
9.Now they are introducing ____________ to the foreign friends. (they)

1. Tomorrow is my cousin's __________ (twelve) birthday.
2. Our maths teacher is______________ years old.
A. forty one B. fourty-one C. fourteen D. forty-one
3. What time is it? It's 10:45. It reads _________.
A. a quarter to eleven B. a quarter to ten
C. a quarter past ten D. a quarter past eleven
4. Two _________ parents will come to our school on the Open Day.
A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of
5. Mr. Green is going to visit Garden City for the _________ time. (three)
6. It is my ________ time to travel by plane. (one)

l. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (保质句意不变)
__________ __________ go to the cinema tonight?
2. What about _________ this afternoon? I don't want to stay at home.
A. to see a film B. seeing a film C. see a film D. not see
3. What about __________ a picnic this Sunday?
A. to have B. have C. having D. Will have
4. How about _________ bicycles this weekend?
A. ride B. to ride C. riding D. rides
22. --What about a barbecue today? -- _________.
A. What's the matter? B. Anything important?
C. That's a good idea. D. How is the weather?

11.Say speak talk tell的区别
1. I sometimes _________ my cousin about my school and friends.
A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
2. We must ____________ English in an English class.
A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
( )36. Don’t _______ your deskmate in class.
A. talk B. talk to C. speak D. say

12.动词后接to do /doing /do形式
1. They promise _______ friendly to others.
A. be B. will be C. to be D. to will
2. Sorry, Sir. I promise _________ again.
A. to not be late B. not to be late C. be not late D. not to late
3. We promise __________ ( not eat) in class.
4. We must finish __________ the picture before eight o'clock.
A. to draw B. drawing C. drew D. draws
5. Let the old lady __________ the bus first.
A. get on B. gets on C. got On D. getting on
6. ? Would you like _______ a policeman?
- Yes, I ________.
A. to be……would B. be……would C. to be……do D. be…...do
8. We promise _________ less rubbish.
A. make B. making C. to make D. made
9.Let the baby ____________ the bottle of the juice by himself. (drink)
10.Tom enjoys ____________ (surf) the internet.

1.She did some exercise yesterday morning. (改为否定句)
She _______ _______ any exercise yesterday morning.
2. My father has already had his dinner. (否定句)
My father _________ had his dinner _________.
3. I have already been to Beijing. (改为否定句)
I _______ been to Beijing _________.
4.We have six classes every day.(改为否定句)
We ____________ ____________ six classes every day.
5. He had a meeting in the meeting room just no(改为否定句)
He __________ __________ a meeting in the meeting room just no
6.We have a school meeting every week.(改为否定句)
We __________ __________ a school meeting every week.

1. Alice usually goes shopping at weekends. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ Alice usually ________ shopping at weekends?
2. John has already been to Ocean Park.(改为疑问句)
__________ John been to Ocean Park__________?
3. I have already been to Beijing. (改为一般疑问句)
________ you been to Beijing _________?
4.I'd like to be a teacher. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ you _______ to be a teacher?

1. My father often helps my mum to do the housework. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ your farther often help to do the housework?
2. This new book will cost me 40 RMB. (对划线部分提问)
_________ _________ will this new book cost?
3. I'd like to be a doctor because I want to make sick people better. (划线提问)
__________ __________ you like to be a doctor?
4. This book cost me 10 yuan.(划线提问)
__________ __________ __________ this book __________ you?
5. We must use tile escalator on the left.(对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ must we use?
6. The little girl will stay in Beijing for two weeks. (对划线部分提问)
______ ______ will the little girl stay in Beijing?
7. They are going to Shanghai by bus. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ they going to Shanghai?
8. I'd like to be a cook because I like cooking. (划线提问)
_________ _________ you like to be a cook?
9. I have stayed in Shanghai for ten years. (划线提问)
_________ _________ have you stayed in Shanghai?
10. Mr. Brown is tall and thin with dark hair. (对划线部分提问)
____________ does Mr. Brown ____________ like?
11. He comes from Britain. (对划线部分提问)
____________ ____________ he come from?
12. They play basketball for half an hour every day. (对划线部分提问)
____________ ____________ do they play basketball every day?
13. Samuel Han lives on the fifteenth floor. (对划线部分提问)
_________ floor _________ Samuel Han live on?

1. He is never late for school. (反意疑问句)
He is never late for school, _________ _________
2. Let's go to the park to have a picnic.(改为反意疑问句)
Let's go to the park to have a picnic, _________ _________?

1.Jack wants to be a pilot. (保持原句意思)
Jack ______ ______ to be a pilot.
2.It's time for lunch. (保持句意)
It's time ____________ ____________ lunch.
3. My friend Alice would like to be a dentist.(保持原句意思不变)
My friend Alice _________ _________ be a dentist.
4. It took me about half an hour to do my homework yesterday.(保持句意不变)
I _______ half an hour _______my homework yesterday.
5.Don't walk on the grass.(保持句意不变)
_______ _______ walk on the grass.
6. My friend Alice would like to be a dentist.(保持原句意思不变)
My friend Alice _________ _________ be a dentist.
7. It took me about half an hour to do my homework yesterday.(保持句意不变)
I _______ half an hour _______my homework yesterday.
8.Don't walk on the grass.(保持句意不变)
_______ _______ walk on the grass.
9.Samuel Han starts work at 7:00 a.m. and finishes work at 5:00 p.m.. (保持原句思)
Samuel Han works _________ 7:00 a.m. _________ 5:00 p.m.
10.The boy wants to go swimming.
The boy _________ _________ to go swimming. (保持原句意思)
11.I will go to Beijing by air. (保持原句意思)
I will _________ _________ Beijing.
12. It is a wonderful party. (改为感叹句)
_________ wonderful the party _________!

1.What's the lady over there? -- _________.
A. She's my aunt. B. She's my classmate.
C. She's a teacher.' D. She’s Tom's friend
2. -- _______ doe it take to finish the work?
-- It takes about two months.
A. How longB. How soonC. How far D. How often
3. -- _______ was it? --It's five yuan.
A. How many B. How much C. How price D. What . 4. _________ do you usually de with year friends at weekends?
A. Where B. What C. When D. Which
5.A: _________ does it take to go to the Bund by underground?
B: About ten minutes.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far
6. --- ____________ are Jane and Bob?
--- They are my sister's new friends.
A. What B. Who C. How D. Which

二 音标题
I. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols. 4%
1. John’s __________ /’pe r nts/ often give presents to him on his birthday.
2. I’ve been to Seaside Town on Lucky __________ /’ail nd/.
3. A __________ /’pail t/ is a person who flies a plane.
4. The shop ____________ / 'sist nts/ are very busy.

Ⅱ. Read the underlined letters and match the letter with the phonetic symbol. 4%
maths ground bank club dragon
other finish job yesterday only
1. / /____________ 2. / /____________ 3. / /____________ 4. / /_______________
5. / /_____________ 6. /j/_____________ 7. /g/_______________ 8. / /_______________
9. / /______________ 10. / /_______________

III. Complete the sentences according to the given phonetics (根据所给的音标词,写出正确的单词)(共5分)
1. What _________ / / do you do with your uncle?
2. I ____________ / / not to pollute the environment.
3. When do you usually ________ / / work?
4. The parents _________/ / at Rose Garden School at two o’clock yesterday.
5. We are going to __________/ / shells together.

1.It's often __________(rain) in spring here.
2.Sometimes people __________ (pollution) the Earth and leave rubbish everywhere.
3.Some people think "13" is an __________ number. (luck)
4.Tony wants to have two __________ (secret) to help him with the work.
5.Some people don't throw rubbish in the bin. They are _________ the earth. (pollution)
6.We promise _________ (plant) more trees and flowers to make our environment beautiful.
7.The boys are going out of the classroom _________ (quick).
8.I want _________ (be) a policeman when I grow up.
9.Why not use your dictionary? It's very _________ (help).
10.I like to eat some rice and a lot of _______ (boil) vegetables.
11.How many _______ have you got? (potato)
12.Excuse me, but where is the _______ (enter) of the hall?
13.There is so much noise _______ (pollute) to live near the airport.
14.Please don't talk _______ (loud) in the meeting room.
15.Tomorrow will be Lucy's birthday. Have you got her _______ (invite), Alice?
16.Sam has a good diet no He is _______ (healthy) than before.
17.It’s raining outside. How about _________ books now? (read)
18.We learn something about the air ___________ from the books. (pollute)
19.Our teachers are very _________ to us, so we like them very much. (friend)
20.The two __________ from America will visit our school next week. (family)
21.Jack is ___________ a visit to the Great Wall. (plan)
22.Both his father and brother are ____________. (fire)
23.The two blue ____________ on your left are our dormitories. (build)
24.He ____________ a bus in the city. every day. (driver)
25.If you want to be fit, you'd better take part in more ____________. (act)
26.She is always very _________ and kind to others. (help)
27.Let's meet at the _________ of the school gate. (enter)
28. _________, he passed tire exam. (final)
29.I am going to buy a cake for my grandfather's _________ birthday this evening.(eighty)
30.Have you received an _________ to the English party? (invite)
31.On Open Day, we met our parents at the _________ of the school.(enter)
32.Sorry, Mum! I didn't do well in the _________ exam. (finally)
33. Mary is a _________ and she likes her job very much. (police)
34.I usually go _________ with my cousins at weekends. (cycle)
35.We live in the Same housing estate but study at _________ schools. (difference)
36.The children crossed the zebra crossing __________ (safe).
37.Have you got his __________ (invite)?
38.He ____________ a bus in the city. every day. (driver)
39.If you want to be fit, you'd better take part in more ____________. (act)

Part Three Reading and Writing (40%)
I. Comprehension 35%

The bus comes to the next stop. An old man gets on.
"I'11 go to the railway station," the old man tells Sam.
"This boy will give you his seat," Sam says to the old man.
But the boy in the front seat does not move. Sam looks at him. Then he says again, "This boy will be glad to give you his seat!"
The boy's face turns red. He gets up at once. The old man sits down and says, "Thank you, my boy."
"Most people want to be nice," Sam tells the old man. "They want to do the. right thing. But sometimes they need a little push (推) . So I just give them one."
Driving a bus in a big City is hard work. But Sam likes it.
Choose the right answer 5%
1. What's Sam?
A. He's a taxi driver. B. He's a doctor.
C. He's a train driver. D. He's a bus driver.
2. Where will the old man get off?
A. At the next stop. B. At the railway station.
C. At the hospital. D. At the cinema.
3. Where does the boy sit?
A. In the back seat. B. In the front seat.
C. Beside the driver. D. In front of the old man.
4. Which of the following is right?
A. The boy is glad to give his seat to the old man.
B. The boy doesn't want to give his seat to the old man.
C. When Sam says to him for the second time, the boy gives his seat to the old man.
D. When Sam pushes the boy, the boy gives his seat to the old man.
5. Why does the boy's face turn red?
A. He is hot. B. He is afraid. C. He is happy. D. He is sorry.

When you are in England, you must be very 1 in the street because the traffic drives on the 2 . You must look at the right first and then the left, 3 you can cross a street. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people 4 can cross the road.
In many English cities, there are big buses 5 two floors. You can sit on the second floor and see the city. It's very interesting.
Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage 5%
1. A. quiet B. careless C. careful D. busy
2. A. way B. left C. right D. street
3. A. then B. so C. but D. and
4. A. by bus B. by bike C. in the street D. on foot
5. A. has B. with C. on D. of

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words 10%
"Good Time" is a programme on ABC Radio. Jim Green is an announcer for the programme. Most of the girls and boys like the programme. They also like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone c 1 to him and thank him for his work. There are lots of letters for him every day.
Jim Green g 2 up at 5:30 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. He leaves home at 6:15 and gets to his o 3 at 7:15.
The programme begins at 7:30. He plays the new records of pop songs and modem music for his listeners. At 8:00 it's time for the news.
Jim f 4 work at 10:30. He goes home in his car. He reads the newspaper and listens to music in the evening.
An announcer's job is very i 5 and helpful.

The teacher's office is on the second floor. It's Room 205. It's clean and big. It's beside the reading room. There are ten desks and ten chairs in it. My Chinese teacher is Miss Smith. Her desk is near the windo There are some Chinese books and some exercise books on the desk. Mr. White is our English teacher. His desk is near the doer. There are some stamps on his desk. Mr. Li is our maths teacher. We love our teachers.
Answer the questions
1. Where's the teacher's office?
It's ___________ floor.
2. Where's the reading room?
It's beside ___________.
3. Who is the Chinese teacher?
___________ is.
4. What's on Mr. White's desk?
There are some ___________ on it.
5. Does Mr. Li teach English?
No, he teaches ___________.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/79727.html
