
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语试题 来源: 网络

六年级英语上册练习题 M5
1.P to m you !
2.This is their a .
3.Can you be my Chinese p f ?
4.I love my p dog.
5.Mike is from A (澳大利亚).
1.This is cousin,Daming. He’s China.
A.I,in. B.my,from. C.mine,from.
2.Can you my pen friend?
A.are. B.is. C.be.
3. names are Sam and Amy.
A.They. B.Them. C.Their.
4.Can I write your friends?
A.to. B.from. C.of.
5.I like computer games.
A.plays. B.play. C.playing.
6.This is my address China.
A.of. B.in. C.at.
7.I can some English.
A.speak .B.speaking. C.speaks.
8.Laura can’t Chinese.
A.writing. B.write. C. wrote.
9.I can play violin.
A.a. B.the. C./.
A:Hello ! Pleased to meet you !
B:Hi ! ,too.
A:Can you English ?
B;Yes, I can speak English.
A:Can I write you ?
B:You can be my Chinese .
A:Yes, of course. This is my address China.
1.Can I write to your friends?

2.Can you be my Chinese pen friend?

3.Can Laura write Chinese?

4.Can Daming speak Engling ?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/xiaoxue/82375.html
