老师:Good afternoon, my children.小朋友们好!Welcome to my English class!欢迎来到我的英语课堂。
老师:Today, we will continue to learn a beautiful song, before that, let’s review some vehicles.
老师:Please look at these pictures 自行车in English is bike. Please follow me ,bike bike ,bike ,bike is 自行车。
Ok,next one,what’s this ?oh ,it’s taxi,let’s say taxi,taxi is 出租车。
The last one is bus bus ,please follow me ,bus ,bus is 公交车。
老师:Ok,look at these pictures.
汽车in English is car.Please follow me ,car car car is汽车。
Ok,next one,what’s this ?oh ,it’s motorbike ,let’s say motorbike, motorbike is 摩托车。
The last one is truck truck ,please follow me , truck truckis卡车。
老师: You guys do a great job!So Let’s learn a beautiful song ,the name of the song is “bus is coming”Are you ready? Let’go ! 你们刚刚真棒啊!小朋友们看看这个是什么啊?对啦,是公交车,是bus,那么,我们要学习一首很好听的歌曲哦,歌曲的名字叫做公交车来啦!
老师:Please read after me,bus is coming,bus is coming,bus is coming one two three.好的,现在呢,小朋友们跟着老师一起来学习这首歌吧,让我们有请Tina!
中班英语教案:Review Unit4?5
大班疯狂英语单词量教案:Unit 3学习单词
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/youer/297251.html
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