

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 幼儿园英语教案 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

  Perfectly impartial

  During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), a very noble official caled Qi Huangyang lived in the State of Jin. One day, the king summoned him to court and asked, "Now that the magistrate position of Nanyang county is vacant, who do you think is suitable for the post?"

  "Xie Hu is the right man for the job," Qi replied without hesitation.

  Surprised, the king asked, "Did you say Xie Hu? I thought he"s your enemy. Why did you remend him to take such an important position?"

  Smiling, Qi Huangyang said, "Your Majesty didn"t ask me my personal opinions o Xie Hu. You simply asked me who I thought would be petent for the position. Therefore I remended Xie Hu.

  the king followed Qi"s advice and made Xie Hu magistrate of Nanyang county. And sure enough, Xie Hu administered the county very well and won respect from local people and his colleagues.

  Some days later, the king again asked Qi Huangyang for his opinions. This time, the king was trying to find a suitable candidate for a court judge position. Qi Huangyiang remended Qi Wu for the job. Once again, the king was surprised again by the remendation because Qi Wu was the son of Qi Huangyang. The king asked: "Who do you remend your son? Aren"t you afraid people will gossip?"

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/youer/366955.html

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