
编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 中考复习 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
131.He hardly had anything to eat,________ he?A.didn't B.hadn’t C.had D.did
132.He says that he won't be free until tomorrow.他说他到明天才会有空。
解析:在这个复合句中,that引导的从句做says的宾语,被称为宾语从句。until用在否定句中,构成“not……until……”结构,意为“直到……才……”,谓语动词用非延续性动词;until用在肯定句中,意为“直到……”,主句的谓语动词要用延续性动词。例如:They didn't leave until they finished their work.他们完成了工作才回家。
We waited until he came.我们一直等到他来。
133.课本:There's something wrong with my computer.It doesn’t work.我的计算机出了故障,它无法工作了。
真题再现:I have to speak to my grandpa loudly because there's _____ with his ears.
A.wrong something B.something wrong C.anything wrong D.nothing wrong
134.课本原句:All the computers must be shut down when you leave.离开时你必须把所有的计算机关掉。
真题:The whole company _____ for a three weeks'summer holiday.A.shut down B.shut off C.shut up D.shut away要点点拨:shut down意为“关闭;停工;歇业”;shut off意为“关掉(煤气)”等;shut up意为“关闭;住嘴”等;shut away意为“隔离;隔绝”。答案:A
135.Our sports meeting has been ____ till next Monday because of the bad weather.
A.put on B.put up C.put off D.put down要点点拨:put on意为“穿上,上演”;put up意为“举起,挂起,张贴”;put off意为“推迟,延期”;put down意为“放下,写下,记下”。答案:C
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/zhongkao/1319025.html
